Peace Day
Today was Peace Day at Cambridge House Community College. Jocy had barely mentioned it and I got an email ( in Spanish) reminding me it was today at 13:00. I had think I had to take care of and didn't think that it really needed parental involvement on my behalf. I'm still struggling to find my place within the kids two schools. It is so much different than walking into a school full of other expats.
Today was a beautiful day, a bit crazy windy, but just the kind of day I needed. It's 11:30pm and I still have the doors wide open. It was a great day, until Elly didn't get her way and started the ultimate pout. By the time I had to pick up Jocy, I was kind of cranky. Fridays are nice and I don't have to worry about finding a place to park to wait on the bus. So I kind of zoned out while waiting. I have started daily meditation and trying to find that place I can go to reduce my stress. It keeps me out of a flare the next day.
Jocy jumps off the bus and fights the wind towards the car. She ALWAYS talks my ear off the second she shuts the car door. Most days it is sensory overload for me. I try really hard to let her go. But today she was pretty laid back. Yesterday she had told me that they were to write their wishes on how to bring Peace to the school. And they were going to hang them from the fence at school. Unfortunately, due to the crazy wind, they didn't get to hang them. But Jocy very casually mention that she was selected to read her submission to represent her class in front of the whole school. I was so proud. Jocy has dealt will a bit of bullying. Thankfully, she understood why this kid was a problem and by the next year, it barely was an issue.
When we got home, I asked her to read what she wrote. And I was absolutely beaming with pride. And sad that I wasn't there to see her.
Jocy wrote on a peace sign, " I wish for... no more rude behaviour, less arguments, for people to not leave others out and to accept others as they are." I am so utterly proud of that crazy smart girl. I have always told her it is important to be kind, treat others the way you want to be treated. I have had teachers tell me how wonderful she is with new kids and how she is always kind and interacts with everyone. But to know she stood in front of her whole school (age 1 year to Y 13) and their parents and read this, I am feeling truly blessed. I guess I have done an OK job with her.