The Blue House of Crazy

Adventures of an American Expat Family

October 31, 2016

Happy Halloween from Changchun!

I miss trick or treating.  I miss all things fall.  The kids school does a really lousy version of Halloween.  But they still managed to have a good time.  Milly just couldn't understand why the Chinese don't trick or treat!  

Secondary did their dress up day on the Friday before Halloween.  They waited so long to plan anything that the Halloween Party isn't until Nov. 11   But this is how all things at CAIS seem to be.  Jocy picked out her costume awhile ago when my favorite website Chasing Fireflies was having a clearance sale on costumes.  She looked beautiful.  And so grown up.  I swear she was just Cinderella like yesterday.

Primary got to dress up and have a parade on the actually day of Halloween.  They also did a little  "trick or treating" around the classrooms.  Elly had picked out her costume the same time as Jocy's.  I was surprised by her choice of "Bird of Paradise".  It took her until the end of Halloween to realize she was just a fancy parrot. Ha!  But she looked amazing.  Nate had a hard time deciding what to be.  I had picked him up a Spiderman costume to add to his dress up collection.  He had stated that it was unfair that his sisters had a big chest full and he didn't have much.  He also got a Jedi costume from Disney Paris that he said he was going to wear.  But last minute, he went with Spiderman

Milly didn't get a school party.  I'm not sure if they had done it the Friday before or what, but I let her pick what she wanted to wear on Halloween.  She is a huge fan of her new Bat girl costume.  Joel picked it up at Target while in Troy, NY.  She has been in love with it ever since.

Nate with his BFF Sebastian

Nate's class

Elly's class

This picture came up on the School's Wechat account.  It said, "I am a child, but I am also a Super Model"  Sigh... this school is filling Elly's head too!

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October 30, 2016

First Snow

A week before Halloween, we got our first dusting of snow.  It was gone as soon as the sun came up.  But it still happened.  A week before last years first snow.  I have already been told that this year is going to be a crazy year for snow.  And just today, I saw an article saying El Nina is going to sweep in and freeze us more than last year!  UGH!  And they have no way to predict how much snow we will get but that it is coming.

Heading into the week, the Weather Channel app said there was a 50% chance of snow for Sunday.  But by Friday, it was no longer saying snow.  The kids were a  little bummed... but it is OCTOBER!  We have plenty of time for snow.

Saturday was a cold one.  We are finally in the single digits for highs.  Usually around 5 or 6.  But the sun is helping quite a bit.  Sunday a bit before lunch, I was in my office doing some things and looked out the window.  ooo.. flurries.  I yelled down to the kids and was rewarded with squeals.  But I figured it would be another dusting like before.  But then it didn't stop.  And the flakes got bigger and bigger.  It was so pretty.  I wanted to throw the Christmas tree up and light a fire.  Oh I miss having a fireplace.  But wait... its not even Halloween.

After all was said and done..... everything was white.

The kids' school has even built in snow days this year.  We didn't have them last year.  So I may not be seeing anything but white til April.  Glad we have a few warm weather holidays planned!!

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