The Blue House of Crazy

Adventures of an American Expat Family

December 13, 2012

9 More days....

until we leave for Barcelona! I am so excited. Another country to check off my list.

 This year Joel picked the place. I wasn't super excited at first. Then I started doing a little research. I took an Art History Class in college and the book was like 1000 pages. We pretty much covered the whole book. YIKES! Once I was looking at Barcelona, I was finding things I remembered studying in Art History. Then I remembered that years ago there was a show on the Travel Channel with Samantha Brown. It was called Passport to something, I can't remember. She did a show in Barcelona. So now that I have found that many of these places I had seen on TV or study and wanted to visit were in Barcelona, I am super excited!

 We found a great apartment near the water and a big park. We are forgoing the rental car this time and are going to use only the Metro. I love the option of renting a place. Staying in a hotel, you kind of get sucked into the touristy stuff. But when you are staying in a residential area, you get a taste of what its like to live there. When we went to Italy, we stayed in a less touristy town. We were still close to everything. But I felt we got to integrate into the town better. We shopped at the local grocery and met some wonderful people. When we were in the tourist areas, it seemed all we met where other Americans. It kind of ruined the "I'm in Italy" feeling.

 Anyways, I am even more excited to see my Sister in law!! She came to Istanbul in August when I was very pregnant. So this will be her first time meeting Milly! Neither of our parents are coming this year. I was a little disappointed at first. It's their last grandchild's first Christmas! But in the end, I'm kind of glad. We wouldn't have been able to stay in the city. And flying to Barcelona is very expensive. I was surprised. At least accommodations are a good price. So it worked out. Next year we can do the big Christmas with everyone. Most likely Germany. I will need a white Christmas by then! And it will most likely be our last overseas Christmas. I hope not. I could stay another few years in Istanbul. But I would take another country too. I'm not ready to go back to the States! There is still so much to see. I know we are only half way into this assignment and I could totally change my mind in 20 months.

 This is definitely going to be a great year for travel!

And here's a picture blast for the grandparents

Nate and I getting ready for Department End of Year Party

A few of Milly

I was trying out my new lens.  Hoping to get professional pictures done after the holidays!

December 6, 2012

Just Wow

Last Thursday, I went to get my hair done before the big end of year party on Saturday.  This is the first time I have driven myself.  Parking is horrible in that area, but since the owner is my driver’s brother, he always saves us a spot.  Well, someone stole my spot.  And if they had parked correctly, we would have both fit.  So I ended up parking very badly and illegally.  It would have gotten me towed in the US in about 2.3 seconds.  The back of my car was out in traffic just a bit, but everyone could get by with no issues.  Plus we were right there and would move it need.  And we were waiting for that other guy to leave.

We had been there about an hour when I saw Ilknur jump up and run outside.  When she came back she told me that a guy had walked into my car.  OK.  His jacket caught on my license plate.  He then RIPPED it OFF.  He ripped my license plate off when he was trying to get his jacket off and then just walked away.  Leaving my plate laying on the ground.  Well he ran when Ilknur started yelling and she threw it in my car.  I didn’t really understand how he ripped it off.  In the States, they are bolted on the car.  So it’s a bit difficult.

When we finally headed out, I check it out.  It’s basically a plastic plate holder screwed to the car.  And then you slide your plate in.  Well that is just plain dumb.  Now I have to figure out how the heck to get a new one.

Well, I thought no issue, I still have a front plate.  We were so busy over the weekend, the car never made it to the dealer.  Murat said he’d take it in the follow Saturday.  Monday night on the way home from picking up the girls, my gas light came on.  Crap.  I had enough to get home so I figured I’d take care of it the next day when I had to grocery shop.  Well, I learned a new thing during my trip to the gas station.  The guys totally were freaking out about.  It took me a minute to figure out what they were saying.  Not like they speak English.  Finally, I got our my Google translate app and typing in “A man ripped it off” and showed them the plate.  They finally calmed down.  Turns out every time you get gas, they enter your license plate number.  I never noticed that it was on my receipt.  When you get gas here, the guy pumps the gas and then you get a receipt.  You pay them in cash and sometimes you can pay with your card at the pump.  Other places you have to take it inside to pay.  I have to say it’s a pretty good theft deterrent.  They got your plate and they can find you.

I have now been informed by about every person that has walked by my car that my plate is missing.  Yes, thank you.  I really dislike that man.

December 5, 2012

Worth it

Yesterday was a really rough day for Milly and I. Thankfully they are few and far between. But when they do happen, it's one of the most difficult things. When you have your first and have these days (many with Jocy), you can just worry about the two of you and get thru it. I was lucky then and had my family close by. Back then it seemed just as hard. But now, with three other kids to worry about and a husband who is gone from 6am to 9pm, these days almost seem impossible.

 Yesterday, Milly wouldn't sleep. Even the night before, she was up every three hours. And wanted nothing more to eat and be held. The same continued thru out the day. She gave me a whopping 20 minutes to eat lunch and that was about it. Doesn't help the I am sick and already tired from the weekend. I felt like I had been beaten and at some points throughout the day, I could barely stay awake. I got about a 20 minute nap sitting up and my neck is definitely paying for it.

 By the time 4pm rolls around, I am DONE and I feel bad the other three are paying for it. I tried hard to get showers done early and an easy dinner started at 5pm. Jocy had to finish her homework for the week because with gymnastics we aren't home til after 8pm. I tried to keep up with our reading advent calendar and give everyone there own time. But mommy just lost her shit last night. I was so happy that I got the kids in bed by 7:40pm. But do you think Milly gave me a break. NOPE. Joel got home about 8:30pm then had to take a work phone call. I don't think he sat down for dinner til about 9:30pm.

 After a bit of struggling, Joel put Milly to bed at 11pm. And I RAN to my bed. I didn't care when Joel was coming, light out and in bed. I haven't slept that deep in awhile. Well only until 4am. Which she decided to not go back to sleep. Thankfully, after a little struggle, she was back to sleep. I enjoyed the cuddle and next thing I knew my alarm was going off. The usually whirlwind of a morning to get three kids ready and off to school wasn't too painful.

 When I finally got a chance to just sit down and breath, Milly got all smily and giggly. And that right there made all the crap from yesterday so worth it. And the two hour nap that followed so I could enjoy my cup of coffee and my new beloved egg and bacon on a croissant sandwich. Joel asked me this morning when I would be back to myself. Good question. Probably the first time I get to sleep 8 hours 2 nights in a row. But that is life as a mommy.