The Blue House of Crazy

Adventures of an American Expat Family

November 7, 2016

Days 6, 7, & 8

Well, I am behind as usual!  Milly is sick yet again.  Sigh. This poor girl.  But that means extra snuggles for me.

Day 6 - I am so very thankful for the opportunity to live overseas.  And all the benefits that come with it!  We would have never been able to afford to see the world like we have with four kids.  To education them with world views.  They really don't know another life.... they have friends from every walk of life.  I think it gives them a great advantage in life.  Hopefully, they continue to be so openminded as they go into adulthood.

Day 7 - comfort food.  Sometimes when you are far from home and having a crappy day (or week), comfort food (and a glass or two of wine) can give you just enough warmth to get you out of your funk.  Or at least for a few short hours, you can hide in your little bubble.

Day 8 -  What else can you really be grateful for on Election Day - but being an American!  This election year has been a hot mess.  People are angry and jaded.  They don't think our country is great.  All I can put it down to is selfishness & ignorance.  The American Dream has become nothing more than almighty $$$.  Living overseas for the past 5 years has showed me that we American's have it so good.  Hard work can equal your dreams. Unfortunately, people confuse their dreams with what is in their bank account.  We can elect those that run the country, but need to remember they are only human.  We can speak our mind, even when we shouldn't.  We can even turn our heat on when we want to!  That was one huge shocker moving to China.... I have no control over my heat!

Don't get me wrong, there are things that could be improved.  But I think everyone needs to start with themselves.  Do you think all this nastiness is going to make things better?  No, it has set us back 50 years.  No one can make you happy but yourself.  Things, a newer car, a bigger house, the next Apple product?  No.  Wanting all that stuff just adds more stress.... figuring out how to pay for it all.  And now with social media and the great expansion of the internet around the world, it seems everyone wants everything and now.  The rest of the world just doesn't work that way.  I have really grown in the last few years and I look back at our life and think... man, I was an idiot.  But thru everything, I am damn happy to be an American!!

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November 5, 2016

Day 4 & 5

Yesterday was a busy one.  My lovely friend Grace had a get together for her birthday.  She is so kind and quiet and I am very happy that I was introduced to her.  I haven't been sleeping great for a while and it is finally catching up to me.  I wasn't in a very social mood when I arrived.  Even though, I was not my normal chatty self, it was nice to be around these woman.  Grace lives in the "German Village".  This is an area were everyone works for VW.  It was quite a surprise to see this very clicky group.  But I have come to realize, the long time expats are so welcoming.  But the ones that were dragged here for two years for their husbands' careers..... I just steer clear.  They rarely associate outside their peer group.  And really don't leave their compound much.

So this brings around my Day 4 of thankfulness.  I am quiet and reserved coming into each new location.  But I am very grateful that my parents gave me the foundation to deal with this.  I see these woman that stick to their little circle and to me, they are missing out on so much.  I have always had friends from all different circles. All the way back to high school.  I had one main group of friends, but also friends for all kinds of groups.  And as the years have gone on, I find myself the same way. Even here in Changchun.  I would have missed out on so many new experiences!  That is the whole point of living abroad.

This morning, we woke to snow.  I'm was slow to crawl out of bed... another crappy night of sleep.  Partially my fault.... sucked into another book!  I was kind of blah this morning.  So while Joel took three of the kiddos out to play in the snow, I opened up my Macbook to check FB and my email.  I remembered today was a very good friend's bday and send him a message.  He responded back and we chatted for a bit.  We don't get to do this often with the 12 hour time difference.  But every time we talk, he can always cheer me up.  No matter how long it has been, it's like we still can banter like we are still in high school.   I have a handful of friends that are like this.  We have know each other for 20 plus years.  Again, they are from different groups.  Some have crossed paths and some not.  Anytime I am struggling or just need a friendly "face" to talk with... they are there.  And then all is right with the world.   I am so very thankful for these friends.

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November 3, 2016

Thankful - Day 3

I am thankful for  my friend that introduced me to Tradition Chinese Medicine (TCM).  I am still fairly new to it and will be avoiding a few things!  I woke up Wednesday morning in so much pain.  I just popped around the corner and one hour later, I feel a million times better.  And it was only about $4!  I really think this is where we go wrong in the US.  Your body needs care.  Not just from a medical doctor.  Massage prices are so out of reach for most American.  I used to pay over $100 (but she was well worth it in the end).  That is a lot of money to go to on a regulator basis.  I have been quite shocked by the effects of cupping.  I have only done it about 6 times, but I plan on getting back into it.  I just felt so much better.  I was less tired and my anxiety was barely noticeable.  I will definitely have to figure out how to keep this up when we leave!

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November 2, 2016

Thankful - Day 2

Today, I am thankful to all the wonderful people that have came into my life during our years overseas.  I never thought that I would form such meaningful, lifelong friendships.  I miss them all terribly.  And I will miss my new friends from Changchun when our time here ends.  But I will continue to keep in touch, because without them, our time overseas would not be the same.

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November 1, 2016

24 days of Thanks

I have so much to be thankful for.  But sometimes I need a reminder.  So I decided to give this another try this year.  I am still having my struggles... but darn it, my life is still pretty awesome. 

Day 1 -  I am thankful for Milly.  I never thought we would have four kids.  But that girl has the biggest heart and her hugs can make any horrible day so much better!

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