The Blue House of Crazy

Adventures of an American Expat Family

June 27, 2015

And the next move is.....

We are heading to Changchun, China!

Did that sound excited?  I am but I am also very nervous.  We will be one of the first Ford families, if not the first, to go there.  Joel will be launching a new plant in Harbin.  We are headed into the unknown.

We go for our look and see August 1, so I will let you know how it goes.  For now, I am going to enjoy my last days of Spain.  We leave for vacation on July 7th.  A whirlwind tour of Europe.  We are going to Lake Geneva,  visit friends in Germany, Disneyland Paris, Versailles, Loire Valley, and Biscarrosse, France to visit more friends.  21 days if vacations!  Makes up for none in the last seven months.  Can I tell you how much it sucks not having your husband take a day off for that long??

I am looking forward to a wonderful family time together.  Plus the nanny and the MIL. LOL.  Hope that means that Joel and I get some amazing date nights in.  It is well deserved!

June 20, 2015

my little walker....

Nate is a sleep walker.  It is hilarious!  It just started since we came to Spain.  Maybe because our house is all on one floor.  And for some reason when we lived in Istanbul, he wouldn't leave his bed without permission.

There is sleep walking on both sides of the family.  My little brother was a peeing sleep walker.  He peed in the bathtub, in the closet and in the office. LOL.  I am sure he would kill me if he ever read this.

Tonight, was one of those nights.  Nate is the cutest sleep walker.  He comes out like nothing is going on and sits down.  He looks wide awake.  But when I asked him what is up.  Nothing.  He doesn't speak when he is sleep walking.  It happens about once a month when he is really exhausted.  Last time was hilarious.  He got up like it was morning. Went in and got a granola bar, grab his iPad and went into the playroom.  I walked in and he was staring at his iPad but nothing was on.  We just giggle and carry him back to bed.  Poor kiddo.... it has to be rough to be the only boy.  But we give him his snuggle and his is out in a second.

Wonder if this will continue at the next house?

June 8, 2015

Rolling along...

Well, trying to.  I have been stuck in the longest flare I have had since I was diagnosed.  I am not sure how to get out of it.  One part of me will feel better, but I won't sleep.  Or my anxiety is out of control.  Last night I had restless leg syndrome and felt prickly all over.  And I was panicking for no reason.

So I am tired and in pain today.  Parts of me hurt that haven't hurt before.  And my mood just stinks.  I'm really hoping to get out of this funk before we go on our holiday.  But there is so much that needs to get done in the next three months.  I'm really trying to just go with the flow.  Because stressing out over it isn't going to make things go faster or more smoothly.  But for all that is coming up, I really don't want to go back to the States.

I'm just insane.


June 1, 2015

Changing things up

I have been bored with the look of my blog for sometime.  I played around with a few different designs today but nothing struck my fancy.  So for now, I am going boring until I can figure out what I want to do.  I have a bunch of posts to do with our recent travels.  My health hasn't been so great the last few weeks.  The last two have been the worst.  But I think the exhaustion has mellowed out.  I have so much to get done before our move.  Our Goal move date is no later than August 18th.  We are supposed to get notification this week of the contract.  Yea!  Only a few months late.  But at least we are getting one.  I think the months of anxiety caused this latest flare.  I haven't felt like this since before I was diagnosed.  I'm so thankful to have my summer nanny.  She really gives me the breaks I need.  I feel like such a slacker but what can you do?  Your brain thinks one thing but your body won't do a thing.  Sigh.  Such is life.

Well, my day has got away from me.  I need to get lunch done.  Hopefully, I will be back again soon!