The Blue House of Crazy

Adventures of an American Expat Family

August 22, 2014

Things can change is a blink of an eye

Come September the blog is going to get a face lift.  It is about time.  In the last six months, things have been a bit crazy.  As of March, we were moving to Moscow for three years.  By May, we were moving to Valencia, Spain for a year.  The set moving date was July 31.  Then someone finally realized our residence permits were going to expire July 10.  That was on July 3rd.  And by July 6th, we were flying to Valencia.

That has been the reason behind my being MIA.  Trying to get rid of stuff, our look and see was the end of June and I went to Amsterdam for Pearl Jam.  Then throw in all the end of year school and gymnastics stuff.  It was a crazy and tiring ride.  Now that we are getting settled, I have some catching up to do but truthfully, it probably won't happen until the kids start school.  My laptop is always hooked to the TV streaming Pinky Dinky Doo or some other kiddie show.  I have a hard time blogging on the iPad and my iMac is still in Istanbul.  Long story.

Anyways, I had a few minutes and some emails to do, so I stole my laptop.  Just a quick update.

PS.... I LOVE Valencia!!!