The Blue House of Crazy

Adventures of an American Expat Family

January 8, 2015

Christmas 2014?

I had high hopes for Christmas this year.  The last three were spent traveling and making due in other peoples houses.  No massive amounts of baking and only a slightly decorated house.  For someone who loves Christmas, three years in a Muslim country is a bit rough.  But like most of the world, even Istanbul is being sucked into Santa.  The last year, Istinye Park, could have been any mall in America.

Anyways, when we knew we were moving to Valencia, I said we are staying HOME for Christmas.  Why leave a perfectly Christian country?  And Catholic to boot!  Then I could decorate to my hearts content and bake away.  I could cook BIG fancy dinner with MY stuff and actually have the seasoning to do it.  I was so excited of all the crafts and Christmas things we could do with the kids.

Then we got sent back to the States.  For three F'ing months.  Yes, I am bitter.  They took three months of my time in Spain away.  That only gives me 9 months!  Ugh.  OK ok.  We all know I am bitter.  Moving on.

We flew back Dec. 13th.  Halfway thru the Christmas season!  Yes, we did stuff at my parents.  They decorated the tree with my kids and watched some Christmas movies.  We saw Christmas lights and went to the thing at the Galt House.  But I just couldn't get into the Christmas spirit when all I wanted to do was go home.  We managed to get the kids back in school for a week before the holiday.  Nate got to participate in his Christmas show.  Which was pretty cute.  Nothing on BISI shows though.  And they all got to go to their class parties.  I spent that week unpacking our 9 suitcases, 7 carry ons, shuffling rental cars, temporary cars, car seats and still trying to unpack the last of the boxes.  It was Dec. 18th before I got the Christmas stuff out of the garage and the tree up.  My parents changed their trip to April.  My sister in law got screwed and couldn't come.  Her man just got a new job and couldn't get off work.  Christmas was just in the tubes.  My perfect, easy Christmas just didn't come together.  Joel and I had to do a one day crash shopping trip.

But in the end, the kids were happy.  Momma got everything she wanted. (actually before Christmas)

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