The Blue House of Crazy

Adventures of an American Expat Family

January 26, 2014

And the Countdown has begun...

154 days to be exact.  How has it been 2 1/2 year??  But it has been an amazing and busy time.  I'm so excited for our next adventure.  I do know our next location but I'm not allowed to make it public yet.  Joel likes to wait til the paperwork is signed.  I can tell you this.... it is another place I never thought I would visit, let alone live!

Even with all the excitement, I am very sad to be leaving.  There are many aspects of Istanbul that I am so OVER.  But we have a wonderful network of friends and acquaintances here, that I've already started to get sad about moving.  I have gotten so settled and love that I have made friends that are outside of school.

 And I'm not sure how the kids are going to take it.  This has been the longest Jocy has ever been in a school.  She has had friends move on from here and I'm hoping it will make it a little easier.  Plus she has been sucked in by Apple and can easily message and FaceTime her friends.  And she is totally email happy!  I am not sure how Elly is going to do.  She has had friends leave.  But most of them have just gone to other schools.  She still sees her friend Lotte at least twice a month.  Little Miss Popular might have some issues adjusting to not knowing anyone.  I'm hoping I'm wrong!

Now we are planning out our trips for the rest of the year.  We have our look and see, Spring Break, and a trip to the States in the works.  I'm so glad that we are NOT going back to Detroit.  I would hate to give up traveling.  You can definitely say I was bitten.  Joel and I have even talked about staying overseas for as long as they let us.  I know I always have that voice in the back of my head saying, "it would be so much easier to be in Detroit."  But once we are back, its going to be hard (and more expensive) to travel overseas.  Our list of places to visit seems to get longer all the time.

I came across a quote recently that really has stuck with me.  And I'm not normally like that.

“Not all those who wander are lost.”

― J.R.R. TolkienThe Fellowship of the Ring

I have started to wonder if being a trailing spouse was what I was meant to do.  I always wanted to end up a stay at home mom.  And even though people call me super mom (much more here where 4 kids is insane),  I felt that there was something missing.  Maybe it was Milly, or maybe it was the crazy challenges of being overseas.  Everything is just harder and you have to push yourself everyday.  I know I could do more.  But when it is just you doing everything alone all week long, sometimes you just have to stop and enjoy a day on the couch hanging with the kids.  I do get a little envious of people doing fun things all the time.  But I have little ones and a husband that has a crazy stressful job and a 250 km commute everyday.  None of them know that.  I drive 40 plus minutes three times a week for gymnastics, plus run two girl scouts troops,  and haven't slept thru the night in over two years.  But my kids are happy and I really enjoy girl scouts and watching my girls in gym.  My parents let me do all kind of activities as a kid and I will let mine do the same.  But, I am worn out and so need a vacation with just Joel.  I was really looking forward to the end of launch and getting some good quality time as a family.  But looks like that isn't going to happen.  He is moving onto his next launch in May.  So, yep, that really leaves me alone with the kids for two months.  But we will get thru it and then will get to experience another amazing city and have more adventures and wonderful memories.  It's all worth it.  I will not look back and regret that I didn't do this or that.

Well I seem to have gone off on a ramble.  LOL.  My life is nothing less than crazy.  But I really truly love it.

January 20, 2014

London Cup 2013

Here I am playing catch up again! Shocker!

Well, Jocy, Elly and I went to London end of November.  Galaxy was competing in the Rhythmic Gymnastics London Cup.  Since, we have not made it to England yet, I decided to go a day early and get some sightseeing it.  It was a whirlwind trip.

We flew really early on Nov. 21.  I thought we could get some sights in and I bought tickets to see Wicked. I was so excited to share my love of Musical Theater with the girls.  And I've wanted to see Wicked for years!  It was fabulous.

We had dinner at a place called Giraffe.  I read it was a kid friendly restaurant.  It did have a kids Menu but nothing else was kid friendly.  It was a cool place, great drinks and the food was really good.  I would go back.  But don't be fooled - NOT a Kids restaurant.

The hotel I booked for the night was call St. Ermin's.  It used to be a Monastery.  It was gorgeous.  Wonderful service and very nice rooms.

The next day we set out to see as many sights as possible.  We started off the day with Starbucks since it was the first place we saw.  The Egg Nog latte was to die for and the Sausage and Bacon Sandwich... Heaven!

We stopped at Buckingham Place.  Saw the beginning of the Changing of the Guard.  Didn't have time to see the whole thing.

Walked thru Green Park.  Met two nice men from Nepal and the girls played in the leaves.

Made a stop at Hamley's for a little shopping

Saw Big Ben!

We spent 6 hours walking the city. Then we had to hop the Tube to Stratford.  The competition was right next to the Olympic Park.  Pretty neat to see it.  Makes the 3rd Olympic Park we have seen!

The competition was pretty fierce.  The Russians took it all.   But pretty sure they cheated.  Not only was it divided by age but also by the number of hours you practiced.  So those that only did one day a week didn't compete against the 5 day a week girls.  But I can say the girls that competed against ours weren't three days a week.  Unless they came out of the womb and started gymnastics.  But I was really proud of Galaxy.  They did fabulous.

I was so proud of Elly.  She placed 3rd!!!

I love this picture of Jocy!

Even though she didn't place, I thought she did wonderful.  It was her first individual competition.  Her others have been with her team. Both our teams placed.  Jocy's got 2nd!  

It was a busy and quick trip.  I loved London and looking forward to going back.

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January 17, 2014

Hello Friday!

I can't believe that I have found the time to blogger three days this week!  I'm so happy to see the weekend.  I'm still not feeling recouped from my week in the hospital.  I'm sure the two days of rainy weather and having Jocy home the last few days didn't help.  Last night I had great plans to go to bed at 9pm.  Joel stayed at work last night, so I didn't have to wait up for him.  But I opted for a Martini and a new show that popped up on Hulu.  I did get to bed earlier than normal, but I still had trouble dragging my butt out of bed.

Today I finally uploaded pictures from our Christmas Holiday.  I really loved Belgium.  Especially the Liege Providence.  It was gorgeous.  Beautiful countryside, architecture, and very nice people.  Boo on Ford for closing the Plant in Genk.  Joel did a launch there many years ago and love it.  It was just a fabulous holiday!!

I will give myself this weekend, but come Monday, I have got to get stuff done.  Everything is so unorganized and it is driving me crazy.  Maybe I will work on those lists today.  At least get something done. LOL.

January 16, 2014

Act stupid.....

Things just keep getting better in my house. First it was lice. Having to deal with it while I was supposed to be teaching ballet to one of my Girl Scout troops. Thankfully, it was just Jocy that had it but had to treat everyone. Did mKe the meeting but I couldn't walk after that class! Wow out of shape!

Took Milly in for her follow up yesterday. Things are better but not great. There was talk of tubes. But we go back in again Monday after she finishes her antibiotics.

While we were there, figured I would get my wrist and foot looked at. My foot has been bothering me awhile. I took some time off running and it got better but then I kept kicking hard things. I was sure it was broke . Then Christmas Eve, I decided I was still in my 20s and decided to hang from the rafters. DUMBEST idea ever. I blame the box of wine and how much fun I have with my family. But I fell hard. And all I could think was "act stupid, get hurt". So very true. The next morning it HURT. But my brother had just spent the day in a German hospital and I decided to wait until we got home. It was just sore. But then everything happened with Milly and it got put off. Wednesday morning everything hurt. So I was sure everything was broken. After meeting the ortho and a quick trip to X-ray, nothing is broken! Just some damaged and irritated tendons. And I am stuck in a wrist and ankle brace. I feel OLD. But the pain is much better. Three weeks before my next checkup. Killing my fitness plan. And 6 days in a hospital equals 5 lbs.

Rough start to the year. But, got a bit of a surprise.... I know what country we are moving to next! But that is all I am going to say until the formal offer is signed.

My reality for the next three weeks.... Sigh


January 14, 2014

Home and Exhausted

Milly finally got released Sunday night.  She was so happy to get the IV removed!  We let her run free on our hall.  Everyone just loved her.  The number of people that came to say goodbye was surprising.  I was told by everyone that Milly was the best patient they have had.  She is a pretty great kid.

I was so ready to get out.  There is no sleeping in a hospital.  Yesterday, I gave myself the day off.  I only felt human for about two hours.  This morning is only slightly better.  But I have a million things to get done.  The Christmas tree is still up.  Sigh.

And because of all the tiredness and stress, I've moved into my "I want to go HOME" moods.  It doesn't help that we are down to 6 months left and have no idea where we are going next.  If another country, no big deal.  But if we are back to Detroit, then I have some research to do.  It will have been 8 years since we have left and a lot has changed.  With the area and with us as a family.  We left with one kid.  Now we have 4!  And I have promised Jocy she gets her own room.  A 5 bedroom is never an easy find.  And do we buy or wait until we are certain we love the area we choose.  And that is the biggest issue.  ACK!  I just need to stop.

So I will try to patiently wait until March before I freak out.  I'm so torn though about leaving.  Somedays, I'm over it and others I love it.  And then there is the biggest downside, our friends.  Both girls have had friends leave.  And they have both made many new friends.  But I think it will be harder this time.  At least Jocy will be able to FaceTime.

Anyways, my house is still quiet so I need to get a few things done.  I have Girl Scouts tonight and need to get planning.  Then when Thess gets in, the tree has to come down.  Maybe this week, I can sleep a day away.  But then again, I need a trip to IKEA for my mini office makeover. :)  Long to do list.

Here's a few pics from our week in Acibadem

Waiting to be admitted

Milly's first IV

a small part of her team

Milly right out of sugery

Starting to wake up

Milly already feeling so much better!

Dad came for a visit

Drain and bandage removed! 


Hanging out with the nurses

After her first shower - passed out for two hours

Day 6 - Get me out of here!

This is what antibiotics look like here.  It's a powder that you add water too.  Think it tastes as gross as it sounds.  Milly HATES it.

January 7, 2014

Milly's first trip to the hospital

Milly and I are into day 3 in the hospital. Turns out we were right about an ear infection and the ER doctor we saw was wrong. Really wrong.


When I got up Tuesday morning, I was planning to call her pediatrician for a second opinion. I called several times before she woke but no one was answering. Once I got her up and saw how bad her ear had swelled, it was off to the ER. I took along my friend Ilknur to translate and be Turkish. I wish I had her pushiness! The second the ER doctor saw the ear, she knew exactly the problem. She couldn't understand how it was overlooked. So we were rushed off to the ENT. He also knew right away. After a peak inside her ears, he said it was obvious she had an ear infection and know it was very serious. The head of the department came in and looked and asked me if I remembered who it was that saw Milly. I didn't as we were tried from our travels and a sick girl. The two doctors spoke in Turkish so I didn't know what was going on but from what Ilknur heard, they were pulling Milly's file to find out the idiot doctor. After he found it, he rushed out of the room. Someone got in trouble.

So Milly was admitted to Acibadem. The hospital is full so we ended up in the Maternity wing. Just two doors from where she was born. First they wanted a CT scan to make sure the infection didn't get to her brain or spine. But she didn't cooperate. So they started her IV then we had to wait four hours since she had lunch. Around 4:30 one of the aesthetician came in to discuss the plan. They were going to sedate her for the scan and then put her under to drain the back of the ear and ear drum. The putting her to sleep thing freaked me out but it had to be done. At 5, the took us down for the scan. We got her undressed and the other aesthetician came over and asked if ready. The first dose was sedation and would take over in seconds and the second was the general and would take 5 minutes. Then he walked off with her. Talk about emotions. I managed to not fall apart and watched as the wrapped her up for the scan. She fought for quite a bit. The scan was quick and she was out and asleep in the crib. It was so heart breaking but she looked so sweet. I can't imagine how parents go thru worst. But I guess you just do it for your kid. All the doctors arrived and she was off to surgery.

So, let me mention that I haven't said Joel once. He has been at work this whole time. This week is THE big week. Job One is the beginning of the end of launch. So I let him off the hook on this one. I knew she would be fine and not much he could do anyways. Milly only wanted Mommy.

After about an hour, we were called back. Everything went great and now just to get thru the antibiotics. Hoping to go home in a few days. What a crazy day.

January 5, 2014

Happy New Year!

Ok. I know I am a few days late, but I can't believe it is 2014. It seems like yesterday we were anticipating Y2K. So I have decided this is the year I get myself together. Going to lose the baby weight one last time, get organized and lose the mommy brain. Of course, I have started the year off pretty lazy, but I have had a sick baby and have enjoyed relaxing with the family. Kids go back the 7th and my MIL heads home the 13th. So I will just wait til then. LOL. Plus there is this little thing that I may have broken my wrist on Holiday, so I am getting it checked out next week. Hopefully, not and I can head back to bootcamp.

The biggest thing this year.... Another move. I can't believe only seven months left in Joel's contract. Getting antsy about where we are going. A guy at KCAP asked if he wanted to come back and there is a job opening, but that seems to be a step back. We have our fingers crossed for another overseas assignment.

Some days I think, let's go home so life can be easy. But then we wouldn't get to experience these wonderful places. I know our time away is limited, so I am going to enjoy it. Even the bad things. The last year has been the hardest. Basically raising four kids in a foreign country by myself, but it has shown me just how strong I am. Even through that, I am pretty sure the last two and a half years have been the best so far.