The Blue House of Crazy

Adventures of an American Expat Family

January 7, 2014

Milly's first trip to the hospital

Milly and I are into day 3 in the hospital. Turns out we were right about an ear infection and the ER doctor we saw was wrong. Really wrong.


When I got up Tuesday morning, I was planning to call her pediatrician for a second opinion. I called several times before she woke but no one was answering. Once I got her up and saw how bad her ear had swelled, it was off to the ER. I took along my friend Ilknur to translate and be Turkish. I wish I had her pushiness! The second the ER doctor saw the ear, she knew exactly the problem. She couldn't understand how it was overlooked. So we were rushed off to the ENT. He also knew right away. After a peak inside her ears, he said it was obvious she had an ear infection and know it was very serious. The head of the department came in and looked and asked me if I remembered who it was that saw Milly. I didn't as we were tried from our travels and a sick girl. The two doctors spoke in Turkish so I didn't know what was going on but from what Ilknur heard, they were pulling Milly's file to find out the idiot doctor. After he found it, he rushed out of the room. Someone got in trouble.

So Milly was admitted to Acibadem. The hospital is full so we ended up in the Maternity wing. Just two doors from where she was born. First they wanted a CT scan to make sure the infection didn't get to her brain or spine. But she didn't cooperate. So they started her IV then we had to wait four hours since she had lunch. Around 4:30 one of the aesthetician came in to discuss the plan. They were going to sedate her for the scan and then put her under to drain the back of the ear and ear drum. The putting her to sleep thing freaked me out but it had to be done. At 5, the took us down for the scan. We got her undressed and the other aesthetician came over and asked if ready. The first dose was sedation and would take over in seconds and the second was the general and would take 5 minutes. Then he walked off with her. Talk about emotions. I managed to not fall apart and watched as the wrapped her up for the scan. She fought for quite a bit. The scan was quick and she was out and asleep in the crib. It was so heart breaking but she looked so sweet. I can't imagine how parents go thru worst. But I guess you just do it for your kid. All the doctors arrived and she was off to surgery.

So, let me mention that I haven't said Joel once. He has been at work this whole time. This week is THE big week. Job One is the beginning of the end of launch. So I let him off the hook on this one. I knew she would be fine and not much he could do anyways. Milly only wanted Mommy.

After about an hour, we were called back. Everything went great and now just to get thru the antibiotics. Hoping to go home in a few days. What a crazy day.


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