I have a few minutes before the pool opens and the kids are being "quiet" so I can fill you in on the excitement over the past few weeks.
It all started when July 18th, when the moving company showed up to start packing our stuff. Thankfully, the girls had gone home with my parents and Uncle Kevin was in KC to babysit Nate while we got everything done. It was very emotional watching the truck pull away with our stuff of Tuesday. I was really ready for the move but we have made such wonderful friends while in Liberty, that was the hard part. I was so over the house and stuff, that part didn't matter.

Good bye stuff! On the way to the boat!
I got a little last minute girls trip in before we left. The day after the movers were done, Kevin, Nate and I loaded up the Flex and headed for the ville. I basically dropped Kevin, Nate and some stuff off at my parents and headed to Erin’s house to start loading the car. We drove all night (which worked out great!) and by 10 am we were in Hilton Head Island. We threw on our suits and headed to the beach. It was a very busy week but I think I managed to relax. There was lots of beach and pool time, a little shopping (scored an amazing deal on a Coach purse) and a impromptu trip to Savannah! Oh how I love Savannah. Beckie and I went on a ghost tour! Always wanted to and she managed to score us a last minute one!
It was an amazing trip. Funny thing is, I went to HS with the three of them. I was friends with Jenny and I knew who the other two were but not friends. Jenny and I became much better friends after HS but now to think 15 years later that I have just now developed these friendships! Love this group of girls and of course the HHI girls! I can’t wait until our next girls trip to HHI

Made it back to the ville on the 25th. I got to spend the 26th resting up and hanging with my family. Had a very nice evening swimming at Joyce and Buddy’s new house.
Did I mention the girls got their ears pierced?! Jocy finally gave in! We went to Claire’s at the Mall St. Matthews with Grandma Norma. Elly was super excited she could get Hello Kitty earrings. Jocy was bummed they were out of the peace sign earrings but opted for a blue flower pair. I thought she made a good choice.
Jocy went first and just said “Ouch” for each ear.

Elly didn’t do so well. She was pretty nervous beforehand.
And then she screamed bloody murder as it was done and then afterwards. It wasn’t until I gave her a mirror that she finally relaxed and said “It looks awesome, Mom. I love them. That was easy.”
So it has finally been done. They picked out a few more pairs and are anxiously waiting to wear them.
The kiddos and I headed back to Liberty on the 27th and back to the Hampton Inn. Which was a surprisingly nice place. Grandpa Bruce and Grandma Jackie fly in late on the 28th. Joel and I had a few more things to get out of the house and into storage. Even Big Bertha made a trip out and got a new home.

We got in last minute playdates and dinners with friends. Tried to say goodbye to as many people as possible. It was so hard not being an emotional wreck knowing it might be a really long time before we could see many of these people again.
Before we knew it, July 31st arrived. We had a 1pm flight to Chicago. Thankfully, Ford let us split up the trip into two days. Saved my sanity! Nate and Elly had never flown before. So I was really worried. But they were great! Elly and Jocy sat together and thought it was the greatest thing ever! Nate and Joel sat together but that didn’t last long after takeoff. The second Joel took off his seatbelt to assist with naptime, Nate wanted to be running the aisles. I was dumb to think I would get to sit alone and enjoy it! He spent part of the time in my lap the other part fighting to run around. I got stuck on the worst seat in the plane for landing with Nate. Was not cool. NOT.AT.ALL

It was all a pain in the butt, but we had a great time in Chicago. We had a rental car (yet another mini-van – that rant for later) but we most just walked around Chicago. Ford had put us up in the Courtyard downtown. Best part, there was a 7-11 next door! And yes, I got my Slurpie! Once we were all settled into the hotel, we decided to head out for dinner. When I came to Chicago for my 8th grade trip, we ate at Ed Debevic’s. I almost went the last time I was in Chicago but opted to skip out. I thought the kids would enjoy it, and it was just a few blocks away!
Not bad for our last night in the States! We were exhausted and headed back for some sleep.
The next morning we had breakfast at the hotel. It was so YUMMY! I had the chocolate and Mascarpone French Toast with strawberries. The goal for the day was to hit up the Americal Girl store. As we were walking down Michigan Ave, Joel spotted the Disney Store. Some time between unloading the car at KCI and arriving to Chicago, Elly’s Minnie went missing. Very sad, as it was a gift from Uncle Shawn from Disney World. Joel whispered to me that we should hit the store on the way back. We finally arrived to the AG store. I had told the girls that we couldn’t buy too much because our luggage was already full. We had to pay extra to fly to Chicago (we packed to international flight rules)…. ok Ford had to pay. We got the girls to agree to one book, one outfit, and one set of earrings each. They did really well and there was no fighting. They did of course ask for some big stuff. But they will be super happy to see when Christmas rolls around that mommy already took care of it. LOL.

Then off to the Disney Store. Elly found a new Minnie with a pink dress and was so excited! I am so glad the Disney store near us closed a few years ago, because I could have spent a ton of time (and $$$) in there. Nate picked out a set of cars from CARS 2, which was the most expensive set in the store. We talked him down to plastic ones. They have already paid themselves off. He LOVES them. Jocy picked out a Tinkerbell school set. Plus we snuck in a few Christmas gifts. Thankfully, everything did fit!!!
Afterwards, we had to stop into the hotel and check out. We left the car and headed out for lunch. The girls wanted to go to Rainforest Café. Jocy had been before with preschool (Elly was just a baby) but we had a really good lunch and the kids had fun. I was ready for a nap afterwards but we had to keep moving in hopes that we all would sleep on the plane.
We picked up the car and headed for Navy Pier. We looked thru the telescopes (which only Jocy liked) walked the pier and rode the Carousel.

After all the fun at Navy Pier it was almost 6pm, so we thought we would head to the airport. With 8 suitcases, 4 backpacks, 3 carseats, and 2 carryon's, it’s not easy to drop off the rental car and make it to the International Terminal.
But thru out our journey, we have come across some wonderful people. Someone always offering to help. Kind of forgot there are still people like that out there and I am very grateful for all the help and offers!
We finally got checked in and made it thru security. Monday night is definitely the time to fly. Joel went thru the passport checkpoint first and by the time I made it thru, he was almost thru security. We hung out in the lounge for a while (my first time) and enjoyed the food and drinks. Everyone was very impressed with the kids and keep telling them how cute they are. Big heads they will have! After about an hour, we got to board. The girls ended up in the 1st row and Joel was in the middle across the aisle from them. Nate and I got to hang out behind the girls. They all did amazing! The girls were asleep right after dinner and Nate feel asleep in my arms right before dessert. I did too! They all slept a good 8 hours! I managed about 4 hours, which was MUCH better than the flight over last time. I did get to enjoy a gorgeous lightening show while everyone slept! Joel slept just fine, as always. The kids were all squeals as we watch the flight camera upon landing.

We got our luggage and found our driver with out a problem and arrived at the Hilton Istanbul by 7pm. Can’t complain at all about the trip!!!

first night in our new home!