The goofiest things
When you move to another country, you have all kinds of worries. How you are going to deal with the language and cultural differences? How difficult is it going to be get to a life you are used to, if at all possible? But there have been so many things that didn't cross my mind. Like not being able to read my appliances, not being able to drink tap water, and getting gas.
This last one just really dawned on me. I really haven't had to put gas in my car much since we have been here. Joel or our driver have always taken care of it. Which in itself is pretty funny. It's hard to remember a time that I wasn't putting gas in my car weekly. And that I was pumping the gas myself. Only one time in my life did I not pump my own gas. I think it was a trip to Jersey Shore many moons ago and I thought how weird they couldn't pump their own gas. And they had a whole porn section in the gas station! LOL. Which I later learned it's not only NJ.
Anyways, Sunday we had some errands to run. Grocery, ATM (because my new debit card is STILL not activated) and we noticed I was low on gas. Oddly enough, its not easy to find a gas station here. At home, they seem to be on every corner. Since we have been here, I have been making a mental note every time I see one. There is one station that we have been driving by since we got here, but it is truly the busiest gas station in Istanbul. It is always packed and I'd rather avoid it. So we found another, kind of hidden gas station, that was really easy to get to and get out of. A big selling point! We pulled in and you are usually directed where to go and Joel tells the guy to fill it up. And then it hits me. I'm kind of liking this someone else pumping my gas. Maybe because its the middle of winter and I'm happily sitting in my warm car, or that he is washing every window on my car. Yes, even the funny little window in front of the A pillar. But, I just don't understand why I ever thought this was strange, its great!!! Downside, if you want to pay with your card, you do have to go inside.
Now having to pay for the gas is not fun. I hear and read everyone complaining how high gas prices in the US are getting. And I would be one of them if I was still living there. I do think its a rip off. One day they will discover oil is the pee of the earth. :) And it never runs out. But my tab for my lil C-Max (probably about 16 gallons) was 180.50TL was is a little over a $100. For those of you that don't know what a C-Max is... just think of a Focus. And I did have a 1/4 tank left. So I'm paying around $10 a gallon for diesel. And diesel is much cheaper than gas. Thankfully, I don't drive that much. Just locally and to Zek twice a week. Then any family outings. And an even bigger OMG thank you for Joel's gas being covered by Ford. Because he drives 120km just to work!
OK now that I'm totally off subject. I hand the guy 190 TL because I had just given Joel my last TL and had no other change. The guy handed me back 10TL. I said I didn't have the .50 Kuru and he said to not worry about it. WHAT? I don't understand? I know its not much but that would NEVER happen in the States! So not only did he pump my gas, immaculately clean all my windows, but give me free gas? OK I know its not much, but still! I think I am sold! Joel's going to have a heck of a time getting me to pump gas when we get home!