So I know this was over a month ago but I’m still going to post anyways!
My last haircut and color was the week of Jenny’s wedding. I knew I should get one last hair appointment in before we left KC, but time just flew by too fast. We didn’t even get to say goodbye to quite a few people.
My hair had started to look REALLY bad. Between the gray showing and my roots… oh the horror! From living at the pool this summer, my hair had gotten really light. So when our pool days ended, the dark roots with the blonde just looked lovely. But without internet, I had no way of finding a place. I knew were a place was in Taksim but didn’t want to make that drive for an outrageously priced haircut. I got desperate and colored my own hair. I found a brand I knew and ran with it. Because of course the directions are in Turkish. So to let you know… a box of hair color in Istanbul… not what you are used to. I guess I should have read the directions a little closer before I bought it. I guess everyone here has salon tools in their house? But I made it work and I felt a 100% better after the gray was gone! But I still needed a cut. After the home color, my hair was pretty dried out.
Well, my wonderful FABULOUS hubby was the one to the rescue!!! When I was about ready to head to the mall and get one of their expensive cuts (by Turkish stands. Normal price for me), Hubby pulled thru! One Friday night as we were eating dinner and watching a movie, he told me that I have to be up and ready to leave the next morning at 9:30am. I was a few days into a horrible cold and all I really wanted to do was sleep in. But whatever.
I managed to drag my butt out of bed at 8:30am. He handed me a cup of coffee and told me to get in the shower. When I got out, he said he would take care of the kids. They have been fed but he’d get them dressed. Which worries me…. so I had to approve outfits choices. I, of course, need to know what to wear. I was starting to get annoyed. I’m not a huge fan of dressing without knowing where I’m going. But whatever… jean and a sweater. He told me I needed tennis shoes. Ugh… I am so not in the mood for a day of walking.
When I went up stairs…. I was getting suspicious. Hubby disappeared outside for a phone call. I knew it… he was sending me out for a day ALONE. Normally, I would be excited. But I don’t have any close friends here yet to enjoy a day without the kids. So I was a smart mouth to Hubby and say, “Are you really making me go out alone?” He handed me a bunch of cash and the debit card. As I walked out the door and heading to the stairs, where Murat, our driver, was waiting, Joel said that Murat’s brother owned a salon. I was getting my haircut! Not only that but Murat’s wife was already there getting her hair done. So I would have TWO translators and people to talk to.
So I climb into the Fiesta. I hadn’t gotten to ride in it yet. Joel picked my fav color. It’s a pretty cute car. Anyways. I was enjoying a cup of coffee while my driver, LOL that still makes me laugh, drove off for a well needed day! I really like Murat. We have similar views of life and did I mention, perfect English. It’s fun to hear him talk. After 16 years in Australia, he has an interesting Australian/Turkish accent. We chatted has we drove…. I would NEVER be able to find my way EVER. The best perk of your driver being the owners brother….. They blocked off a parking spot right out front!
I met his brother first, who had lived a while in Russia. So he spoke Russian, Turkish and a few basic words in English. Then I met Murat’s wife. Who name I can NOT remember for the life of me. LOL. I suck at that. (hope they don’t’ find my blog). Anyways, she had a fabulous Australian accent. Even though she was Turkish, she was born and raised in Australia. She was very nice and I think we hit it off well. Thank goodness for her! Or who knows what my hair would look like. I had just wanted a cut. But I ended up getting highlights, and a mani pedi along with the haircut. It was a pretty interesting. There are very few female hairstyles here. Women mostly do nails and eyebrows. I got to see threading for the first time! Totally getting it done next time. So the guy that does color in the salon…… you would never expect knew how to do hair. He looked like he was in his 50s. But, what is the worst that happens? I just get it recolored? So I had Murat and his wife translate what I wanted. After that, I just relaxed and enjoyed being pampered.
The end result, was amazing color and a great cut. Murat’s wife decided she was going back the next week for the same highlights! LOL. I told Murat that I have dibs on him for Saturday. And the best part was it only cost 85TL! That’s less than $50. But if you do throw in the cost of my overtime for our driver…. It’s still what a cut and color cost me at home! I’ve got a stand appointment every six weeks. 
After we were done at the salon, Murat invited me back to their house for some Cay. I kind of wanted to pick their brains about things around the area, so I agreed. Plus its always good to get to know the man that hold your hubby’s life in his hands daily. Yes driving is that scary here. And I was really enjoying some girl time too. His wife and I have quite a bit in common. They are currently living with his mother while they are house hunting. They haven’t been back in Istanbul that long. Housing is at a premium and he is required to live near us if he wants to stay employed with us. Anyways, his parents own a beautiful apartment building. Murat said it used to be a single family home, but his dad tore it down and replaced with an apartment building. He doesn’t like his dad to much, for good reason. I didn’t meet him. But I met his mother. She was a very lovely women. She didn’t speak English but she happily held a conversation with me thru our translators. I bet she has so amazing stories! Because it was the day before their big holiday here (like Christmas Day for us), there was lots of cooking going on. Oh it smelled so good. Of course they brought me lots of food. It was so yummy. I couldn’t finish, there was so much! I’ve been promised some Turkish cooking lessons to. Very excited! We had a very lovely afternoon. I really needed some adult conversation beside Hubby. Not that I don’t enjoy all my time with him, but it was time to start making friends.
Now that we are starting to have a somewhat of a normal life, I have a cell, some internet, and a car, it is time for me to get out and discover stuff for myself. I have meet some other moms and things are in the works. I have even volunteered in Elly’s classroom. But I am so grateful to have found someone that is so willing to help us enjoy Istanbul. I can’t wait for our shopping trip at the Grand Bazaar!