The Blue House of Crazy

Adventures of an American Expat Family

March 19, 2013

An even smaller world

I have been chatting with a couple of Americans from the Midwest for a few weeks. We kind of found each other on an Istanbul Moms Facebook group. This past Sunday some of us finally got to have a Mom's night out.

 One of the Mom's got stuck at home with a sick hubby and kids. I knew her husband worked at Ford. Its been kind of sad that the Ford ISE network is, well, nonexistent. The only way I hear of people coming or going is thru Joel or our driver. I know when I arrived it was nice that another family was stuck at the Hilton too. And just nice to be able to discuss the struggles.

 Well turns out that one of the mom's I went out with on Sunday, we were on Launch together in Louisville!! What a small world. Joel, myself and her were all on the 2002 Explorer launch together. Not that any of us can remember each other since it was over 10 years ago (GASP). But how funny!! 

So we have decided that we are going to take on the effort of an ISE network. Start having events and hopefully give future ISE's a support system when they arrive.

March 15, 2013

Naptime SCORE!

I have trained the dogs when nap time is!!  They even get up when my bus alarm goes off.

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Milly has decided on the elephant as her sleeping buddy.

March 14, 2013

Milly's growing too fast!

This time around I have ignored the books, ignored the blogs, ignored everything I did with the last three. Milly is pretty lucky being #4 and getting the same time as #1 did as a baby. I hold and cuddle her every second I get. I love sitting in her room just rocking for hours. I didn't care that she nursed for 45 minutes plus. I enjoyed rocking her to sleep every night.

 Until about a week ago. She just decided she was done. She was ready to go to sleep on her own in her crib. It about broke my heart. I loved the 30 minutes of quiet time every night that I got with her. Either the other three were already in bed or Joel took care of it. I would rock and sing to her. Or if she was being a bit cranky, I would play some tunes on my phone. But now if I try to rock her, she fights me or is too busy playing with the chair. She loves the sound her nails make on the fabric. She still puts up a fight her and there in her crib but for the most part, that's it. Oh how sad that makes me feel.

 A few weeks ago she became a more efficient eater. Now its 15 minutes at the longest and she's done. What am I to do with this extra time! And I've lost a lot of my cuddle time! Today she decided to start a new game. She'd eat, rip herself off (OUCH!) and then gouge my eye out, eat, rip, scratch my face out, eat, rip, poke my other eye. Is she trying to make it unenjoyable!!!

 I'm about to hit my goal with breastfeeding. Jocy I only made it to 4 months. I was young and uneducated and I screwed up. And I'm paying for it now. That girl has allergies and sicknesses none of the rest have. Elly and Nate both made it to 6 months. Elly started losing interest. She was too busy looking at the world to be bothered to eat. And real food was much more exciting to her. Probably didn't help the girl was always in the 3-5% weight. Nate, I really can't remember why I quit. But for some reason, this time, I want to reach for a year. It's gotten pretty easy. I've accepted the fact that I'm just going to be fat for another 6 months. Ya know that is find because I'm not going to have to lose baby weight again! So as long as she doesn't abuse me on a daily basis, I'm in for the long haul.

 The last two weeks, she has really moved past the infant stage. Her personality is coming thru and she is such a happy kid. I watch her in amazement as she discovers new things. I don't remember this with Elly and Nate. Probably because they were so close together and I was so exhausted. Jocy I was just a crazy first time mom. But this time, I am soaking it all in. As she hits these milestones, I'm sad that this is the last time I get to experience this. That in NO means leading to another kid. This is so much harder than in my 20s. My body is taking much longer to get back into its groove. I couldn't imagine having my first kid at my age. No wonder they only 2! Thinking about it, most of my friends that have more than two started younger.

 Anyways, I'm tired, out of shape, a little crazy, but I'm so happy we decided on #4. That girl has got her mom whipped! IMG 1744

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Love waking up to this face. Oh and did I mention, this one spends more time in my bed then the other three? Yep. I've always been against cosleeping. Only because I can NOT sleep with a child in my bed. The only time we let the others in our bed is when they are really sick and we want to keep an eye on them. My bed is my sacred place. It's for me and daddy and that is it! But when they 4am feeding pops up, I grab her from the crib and feed her in my bed. Usually its about the time Joel is getting up for work, so she gets his side of the bed. Sometimes I get sleep and sometimes its enough just laying. Because she never goes back to sleep until 20 minutes before the other three have to get up for school. So I will give this time, just for my own sanity!!!

March 13, 2013


Today is just one of those days.  I had all kinds of plans for today but life seems to not agree.  Yesterday was supposed to be my lazy day off.  Monday I got out in the beautiful warm weather and walked almost 3 miles.  Saw the tulips coming up in Emirgan Park and enjoyed the nice breeze off the Bosphorus.  Ate lunch at one of our usually places and they actually had chicken durum!!  They are always out when we go.  I picked up a new iron (and looked at dryers - yes ours in broken again) during the walk too.  It felt great to be out.  I also did a little time on the workout equipment in Emirgan Park.  I'm still sore today.

Yesterday, I got sucked into fixing my laptop.  It crashed three times in one day.  Not sure what the issue was.  It hasn't done it since.  Hopefully, it just needed a good cleanup.  But there went my lazy day.  Didn't even get a nap!  I was so tired last night, I was ready for bed before I ate dinner.  Then we got some potential bad news.  And I spent half the night in a panic attack. Sigh.  And of course last night Milly slept from 8:00pm to 6 am.  Yep, she slept thru the night and I barely slept at all.  I'm waiting on my lunch to finish cook and after I eat it, I'm running for my bed.  I'm slightly stressed, haven't gotten anything done, and all I want to do is sleep.  So no yoga, no walk, just BLAH.  Which is sad because the sun is shining and it's just under 60 F.

Ok enough of my whine.  I have some cute stuff to post but will do that tomorrow.

March 3, 2013

My Fearless Daughter

Today three of my kiddos asked if they could get the gym mat out.  Sometimes they will actually practice on their own!  Today they were teaching Nate how to do a front roll.  He was so excited.  Then he moved onto a head stand.  He's pretty good!

The biggest surprise was Elly!  Yesterday, she was in tears most of gym class.  I was guessing it was because she spent the night at her BFF's house.  So Elly tells me she wants to try something.  So I watch ready to catch if needed.  She taught herself to do a front walkover!!  Now she is working on her back and will a little help, she's getting there.  I wish Jocy had just a little bit of Elly's fearlessness.  The amount Elly has can be a little dangerous and worrisome.  But when she applies herself, she can do amazing things!