The Blue House of Crazy

Adventures of an American Expat Family

March 13, 2013


Today is just one of those days.  I had all kinds of plans for today but life seems to not agree.  Yesterday was supposed to be my lazy day off.  Monday I got out in the beautiful warm weather and walked almost 3 miles.  Saw the tulips coming up in Emirgan Park and enjoyed the nice breeze off the Bosphorus.  Ate lunch at one of our usually places and they actually had chicken durum!!  They are always out when we go.  I picked up a new iron (and looked at dryers - yes ours in broken again) during the walk too.  It felt great to be out.  I also did a little time on the workout equipment in Emirgan Park.  I'm still sore today.

Yesterday, I got sucked into fixing my laptop.  It crashed three times in one day.  Not sure what the issue was.  It hasn't done it since.  Hopefully, it just needed a good cleanup.  But there went my lazy day.  Didn't even get a nap!  I was so tired last night, I was ready for bed before I ate dinner.  Then we got some potential bad news.  And I spent half the night in a panic attack. Sigh.  And of course last night Milly slept from 8:00pm to 6 am.  Yep, she slept thru the night and I barely slept at all.  I'm waiting on my lunch to finish cook and after I eat it, I'm running for my bed.  I'm slightly stressed, haven't gotten anything done, and all I want to do is sleep.  So no yoga, no walk, just BLAH.  Which is sad because the sun is shining and it's just under 60 F.

Ok enough of my whine.  I have some cute stuff to post but will do that tomorrow.


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