And the next move is.....
We are heading to Changchun, China!
Did that sound excited? I am but I am also very nervous. We will be one of the first Ford families, if not the first, to go there. Joel will be launching a new plant in Harbin. We are headed into the unknown.
We go for our look and see August 1, so I will let you know how it goes. For now, I am going to enjoy my last days of Spain. We leave for vacation on July 7th. A whirlwind tour of Europe. We are going to Lake Geneva, visit friends in Germany, Disneyland Paris, Versailles, Loire Valley, and Biscarrosse, France to visit more friends. 21 days if vacations! Makes up for none in the last seven months. Can I tell you how much it sucks not having your husband take a day off for that long??
I am looking forward to a wonderful family time together. Plus the nanny and the MIL. LOL. Hope that means that Joel and I get some amazing date nights in. It is well deserved!