9 More days....
until we leave for Barcelona! I am so excited. Another country to check off my list.
This year Joel picked the place. I wasn't super excited at first. Then I started doing a little research. I took an Art History Class in college and the book was like 1000 pages. We pretty much covered the whole book. YIKES! Once I was looking at Barcelona, I was finding things I remembered studying in Art History. Then I remembered that years ago there was a show on the Travel Channel with Samantha Brown. It was called Passport to something, I can't remember. She did a show in Barcelona. So now that I have found that many of these places I had seen on TV or study and wanted to visit were in Barcelona, I am super excited!
We found a great apartment near the water and a big park. We are forgoing the rental car this time and are going to use only the Metro. I love the option of renting a place. Staying in a hotel, you kind of get sucked into the touristy stuff. But when you are staying in a residential area, you get a taste of what its like to live there. When we went to Italy, we stayed in a less touristy town. We were still close to everything. But I felt we got to integrate into the town better. We shopped at the local grocery and met some wonderful people. When we were in the tourist areas, it seemed all we met where other Americans. It kind of ruined the "I'm in Italy" feeling.
Anyways, I am even more excited to see my Sister in law!! She came to Istanbul in August when I was very pregnant. So this will be her first time meeting Milly! Neither of our parents are coming this year. I was a little disappointed at first. It's their last grandchild's first Christmas! But in the end, I'm kind of glad. We wouldn't have been able to stay in the city. And flying to Barcelona is very expensive. I was surprised. At least accommodations are a good price. So it worked out. Next year we can do the big Christmas with everyone. Most likely Germany. I will need a white Christmas by then! And it will most likely be our last overseas Christmas. I hope not. I could stay another few years in Istanbul. But I would take another country too. I'm not ready to go back to the States! There is still so much to see. I know we are only half way into this assignment and I could totally change my mind in 20 months.
This is definitely going to be a great year for travel!
And here's a picture blast for the grandparents