Today I had to take Joel to the airport at 5:30 AM. I hate seeing anything before 7. Of course, this meant I had to get the kiddos up. Neither was in bed before 9pm. So the joys of cranky kids. But today is the last step in Joel's work visa. Then its full speed ahead. Our official moving date is August 1st. As in, we will be on a plane heading to Istanbul. My question is.... when did it become July?? We were just celebrating Nate's 2nd Birthday.
So here’s a quick re-cap of the summer:
Jocy was invited to test for the PEAK program, which is Liberty’s gifted program. A child is chosen to test for it by their OLSAT scores. I am proud to say that Jocy scored in the 99%. Next was the Gates test. You only needed a 73% to qualify to continue and Jocy scored 99% again! The last step was in IQ test. I’m not sure it was complete though. They said it could be in the fall. I am so very proud of Jocy. We have talked with her new school and they are going to accept those test scores for their gifted program. YAY!
Nate’s 2nd Birthday was just a family affair this year. With three kids and all summer birthdays, it gets to be too much. This year, Elly got the big party. Even though Nate had just the five of us, I didn’t do any less with the decorations. His sisters helped pick out the decorations and then decorated the kitchen. Balloons were bought and a fancy cake. We are greatly enjoying the break from pink parties! With Nate’s love of Buzz, we chose a Toy Story theme.

My beautiful kiddos!

Nate opening Woody

Nate’s first Detroit shirt!

Next was Elly’s Birthday party. Since this was her first year in school, she got the big party. It wasn’t the HUGE parties of the past, wasn’t up for the food party, but it was a good turn out. I try to be equal to all my kids when it comes to parties. I know that Jocy got more being the first, but I figure she doesn’t remember most of it.
For Jocy’s 4th, she had a big princess party. At the time, she was obsessed with Cinderella. I came across an ad in KC Parent about Princess at my Party. So I called her up and booked her. The best $$ I ever spent. It was the smoothest low stress party ever! So I thought before we moved we should have a princess party for Elly. She’s be really into Snow White. Perfect! And just like Jocy’s party, single princess party supplies are hard to find! And because we decided last minute to have her party before her birthday, it was a little stressful. We were going to be in the ville for her actual birthday, because my friend Jenny just had to get married the day before. Which had to happen….. her son was born the day after mine. So if I’m not going to do the same, the least she could do is pick the day before a current. LOL! The party was a success again. And Elly was in shock the whole party. I’ve never seen her so quiet!
Next, we headed off for a week in Louisville. We left Friday after work and arrived a little after midnight. Thankfully, it was the easiest drive! Not bad for our last drive from KC. Saturday, was the bachelorette party. Lots of drama, good fun, drag queens, and memories of the ville. Some of which reminded me why it could be a bad idea to move back.
The whole week was pretty booked. Sunday was Father’s Day. I was a bad daughter because I was so exhausted. 4 hours of almost sleep is NOT enough at my age. Especially with three rugrats at home. Thankfully, I was not stupid and get totally sh*t faced at the party. Yay! No hangover! Monday was my day off. Hung out with the family and did a little shopping. Tuesday was hair and a trip to E-town to see the Stuecker’s. We had such an amazing time. After knowing Kristy since the age of 11, it was kind of crazy to watch my 6 year old play with her 5 year old. It won’t be too long before they will be the age of when we met. And I love how well our hubbies get along. Really wish we lived closer! Say… across the golf course. LOL
Wednesday, we got up early and headed to Cincy. Went to the Yankee/Red’s game. It was a bit disappointing. Double header that day because the game the night before was rained out. So it was like no one was trying. The Yankee’s won and Joel and I still had a great time. We spent the rest of the evening in Cincy an drove back the next day. We had mani and pedi’s with the bridal party, then a night out on Bardstown Rd. Which brought out the Louisville drama and we got people arrested. My brother and Joel really rocked that night!
Friday was the rehearsal and dinner. What a wonderful evening at Churchhill Downs. Ran into a HS friend and got my HS BFF to come spend the evening with us. Such an amazing evening. Saturday was the wedding and I could go on and on about the day. I am so truly happy for Jenny. And it was an honor to be a part of it. Sunday we dug our butts out of bed, packed up and headed home. Surprising another easy drive home. Only 7 hours (with the time change).
So there’s my quick update. We are going to be so busy the next few weeks. Our official move date is August 1st. But that is we are on the plane heading to Istanbul. We have a storage unit and the movers are scheduled for the 18th. Our new furniture is coming this week and Nate’s next week. And we have a last minute trip to Louisville. Going on a girls trip to HHI. Not a bad going away treat!