Well after 7 month, I finally got kicked on my butt. One time that I couldn't just deal with it and move on. It has been about 6 years since we have lived near family. Never expected to ever live near anyone but was lucky enough that my dad got relocated back to MI when I was pregnant with #1. So, during most of my pregnancy and Jocy's first year, I had my parents and brother around for help and support. I've always been kind of obnoxiously independent. And Joel and I have been thru a lot together. A few moves, a house fire, losing a house, scary pregnancy, rough first 6 months with Jocy, to name a few. But I sucked it up and dealt with it. Not saying that some tears weren't shed but you just have to pick yourself up and move on.
I can see why people never want to move away from home. It's easy. When you have kids, its nice to know you have automatic (and free) babysitters. To me, it's BORING. I'm not saying I won't jump at a chance to move back home (because its pretty slim), but what I have experienced and learned with all our moves, I wouldn't give up for the world. And I think it truly makes my kids better people. And for me, its good to get me out of my comfort zone. When I'm around people or places I don't know, I find my shyness of pre-teens creeping back.
The hardest thing about being a stay at home mom is getting sick. My kids are forever bringing something home. And with two of them now in school full time, YIKES! The last letter to come home said they had cases of strep and scarlet fever in the school! Most of the time when I get sick, I suck it and deal. I got three kids that need me. And my hubby is such the workaholic.... I mean overachiever, that he rarely takes a sick day, let alone take a day off for me to be sick. He thinks it will be the end of the world if he's not there for one day.... which sadly has been true on more than one occasion. Last year he took the day off after his dog passed away. He just sent a text to his boss and said he wasn't coming in. They freaked. Even sent someone by the house to make sure he was OK. He had a ton to fix the next day.
Well, the time had finally come. Last Thursday, I got hit with the worse of all sinus infections. By 5pm, I was curled up in a ball on the couch. I barely managed to feed the kids dinner. I call Joel right away and told him what was up and I need him to come home. Since it was pretty much end of the day, he headed straight home. It took him two hours to get home. In instants like this, I would have called and begging my mom to make the 9 hour drive, because I know when I do get this sick, its bad. But now, I can't ask her to foot a last minute plane ticket for an 11 hour flight. Heck I don't want to spend that kind of money.
But my loving husband stepped up. He sent the driver for dinner, put the kids to bed, then fed me and put my sick butt to bed. I didn't leave that bed until Sunday morning. I can't remember the last time I was this sick. He got the girls up and on the bus the next morning. Handled all the puppy madness and Nate. Plus called into a few meetings and answered emails. AND had a management review. Only one playing of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star to some Directors and VPs. This was all before I even woke up.
All weekend, he handled everything. He took the kids out for lunch, did the grocery shopping, fixed all the food. Even cleaned the apartment. He was trying to get everything ready because he was heading to Germany on Monday.
And this is why we can do this. Live on the other side of the world from our support system because he is my support system. It's not always perfect but I like that we can live happily within our family unit. I really hope I don't get that sick again any time soon. I'm still not 100% better, but I've reached to point of suck it up and deal. And come Monday morning, I was up and back to our normal routine and being Super Mom again.