My weightloss journey
When Jocy was born almost 6 years ago, i was pushing 200 lbs. Me, of all people, left the hospital weighing 198lbs. Yes I had just had a baby, but less than a year before I weighed 145lb. And I didn't even break 130lbs until I was 22. I was always the tall skinny girl! I had grow to love my body in high school . Which is a rarity, and I have to stare at myself in the mirror in a leotard and tights two plus hours a day! I was accused of having eating disorders because I was so thin. But it was just me. So when I started gaining weight during my pregnancy with Jocy, it was really hard. The restricted activity and bed rest didn't help any. Or the extreme hunger. But I was absolutely horrified when I saw that scale when I left the hospital!
I have struggled to lose the weight ever since. The lowest I ever got after Jocy was 173 lbs. But usually stayed around the 178 mark. I struggled a lot with it. But nothing I tried seemed to work. When I got pregnant with Elly, I caught I really bad stomach bug and lost 12 lbs. So my weight gain wasn't too bad. But the Christmas after Elly was born, I was at 189lb. I was planning a girls trip to Hilton Head that summer and did NOT want to be in a bathing suit at that weight. So my new years resolution was to get to 160lbs. I joined Weight Watchers online and started walking three days a week with some of my mom friends. I didn't really notice the weight coming off. It was a lot of work. 12 miles a week pushing a double stroller. And it got hot fast that year. But by the time I left for HHI, I was 155! 32lbs! I ended up hovering at 160lb until I got pregnant with Nate. Did really well with my weight gain and was upper 170s when he was born. I decided again as my new years resolution to lose the baby weight. ALL the baby weight. My goal was 145lbs.
I signed up for WW again. It's so easy to keep track online and I've really enjoyed their recipes. It's been hard. I signed up for a class at the Community Center. And decided to train for the mini at Derby. The first five weeks of the class, I thought I was going to die. I was so sore, I could barely carry Nate. I was so exhausted. I thought working out was supposed to make me feel better. But once that second session kicked in, I was feeling great. I looked forward to class and it was a great de-stresser. Didn't make the mini, Joel had to work and I only managed to get up to 3 miles. I got a little frustrated because the weight didn't fall off like I thought. But the inches were coming off. I was pretty excited. I was getting defined muscles! After the 12 weeks, I had to stop class. Joel was back to launch. I have tried to keep up with my proper eating and doing videos. Walking here and there. My goal date was our vacation. And I was pretty happy when I was 154lbs when we left! Less than 10 lbs from my goal. I had to go buy clothes because NOTHING fit!
During vacation, I didn't watch what I ate but we were very busy. So I figured I probably gain a lb or two. The first time I stepped on the scale, I about feel over. What did that say??? I got off and got back on again. OMG!! Is that a 4???? I weighed 149lbs. I haven't seen that in YEARS!! I about cried. Two days before I was called skinny by my Chiropractor, but this was the icing on the cake. I'm totally satisfied with my weight!
Then today, I thought I'd step on the scale just to make sure I was maintaining. I had a little bit more ice cream and leftover cake this week. And I've been sick, so no exercise. But low and behold, 147lbs today! YAY! Only two lbs from my goal weight. Maybe I can make it! Should I adjust my goal weight to 140lb? I don't ever expect to weight less than that. I don't want to be too skinny again. But I want to healthy and be able to be activity with my kids. I'd also like to start dancing again.