The Blue House of Crazy

Adventures of an American Expat Family

November 1, 2012

Who needs sleep?

Well for one thing, this momma!  You’d think being #4, I’d remember all the fun parts of having an infant.  But my lack of brain function is making me feel like a first time mom.  For the first month, I felt great.  Tired yes but doing great.  The past week or so, I have felt the mommy blues catching up with me.  I figure this would be like the last two times that I was so busy that I would barely even notice.  I don’t even remember having it with Nate.  Maybe its because we had a week off for Holiday and lots of downtime or maybe because the three are in school full time.  But whatever it is, its much more noticeable. 

Then the night before everyone returns to school/work, Milly decides its time to party all night.  I had great hopes of a good bit of sleep.  After a bath, Milly can sleep a good 5 hours.  Well, for some reason, that night it was a sign to party.  I finally got her down around 1 am and she continued to get up every hour.  Let me tell you, it was hard to drag myself out of bed to get the kids up that morning.  You’d think she would want to sleep the whole next day.  NOPE.  She would only sleep while being held and only for about 20 minutes at time.  And she was eating all the time.  That night and then next day weren’t a whole lot better.

I managed to survive those two days.  Dinner was made and the house slightly cleaned. Plus having to pick the girls up from gym.  I’m hoping this was just a growth spurt.  Because functioning on that amount of sleep with 4 kids is difficult.  And forget about trying to drive.  I really don’t know why I thought having one kids while sleep deprived was hard! LOL 

Today was back to the good stuff.  A sleepy girl that wanted to do nothing but cuddle and take a 3 hour nap.  I almost feel sane,,,,, until Elly and Jocy have their slumber party tomorrow night.




Blogger KYGrandma said...

Now you know why people have live-in nannys.

November 1, 2012 at 10:43 AM  

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