Full Term!!
Today is officially 37 weeks! I'm so ready for her to make her appearance! I thought I might be sad toward the end since she is our last. But my body (and family) can't take this again and its a nice reassurance that I am DONE.
This weekend was also a little hint how crazy life will be with four kiddos once they are all in school. Both girls had birthday parties plus gymnastics and Joel has taken back the grocery shopping. So our weekend was not what I'd call remotely relaxing. I got to thinking that with 4 kids in school and at least 30 kids in each class…. thats a possible 120 birthday parties a year. OMG. I may need a job just to cover that! LOL.
I'm glad that the girls have so many friends tho. They are so settled into school. Even Nate! And its great there is such an overlap of siblings. We have quite a few families that each of their kids are friends with ours. Jocy had a party Friday night. It was nice she just went home with her and spent the night. But it was great to know how close they lived to us! With most of Jocy's classmates living near school, its an effort for a play date. Saturday morning consisted of picking her up (the hills make it fun) and then grocery shopping. Sunday was a busy day but it was fun. We took Elly to her party. They are one of the new families and I got to meet a few of the others. The number of new kids in Year 1 is HUGE! And they live close to us too!
While Elly was at her party, the rest of us went to Yenikoy for lunch. Such a lovely area. We kind of wish we had seen it before moving here. It would probably been a top choice of location. If we stay another round, we would consider moving there.
After a long and leisure Turkish lunch, we realized it was time to get Elly. On the way back to the car, we walked past a Gelato place. So we stopped and got the kids (and me) Gelato. Jocy claimed it was as good as Italy. It was good but I wouldn't go that far. LOL. I opted for Limon which was more like an italian ice but was perfect for the warm day. I had to ask if they sold it by the gallon. LOL! And Yes but by the Kilo and they deliver! I may have to try that out! Why do I find this at the end of my pregnancy??
My parents arrive Saturday so any time after Sunday, little girl can make her arrival. I was a little stressed the nursery isn't even started, but there is no point until they leave. We still need to organize the playroom to move the couch in there. And still have to get blinds before we can have guests again. And the shopping trip to IKEA never got done, so sometime this Fall when things calm down, I can take my time and do it exactly how I want. We have just been overall more relaxed this time around. We haven't even agreed on a name. Poor kiddo.
Tomorrow is my next OB appointment. Taking my Doula with me so they can make sure we are all on the same page. I must have total amnesia because I'm not even stressing about labor and delivery one bit. Or maybe because Nate's delivery was pretty awesome. I just hope we can have a repeat! My only really big worry is that Joel will not be there for the delivery. We are such a great team and I would hate to not get to share out last one together. Praying she decides to come at night! Or the weekend! Please not rush hour!
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