The Blue House of Crazy

Adventures of an American Expat Family

February 26, 2013

My kids are lucky

Today my hubby posted on FB (which is a rarity) and shared one of the pics from Barcelona that I had posted. He made the comment that his 3 hour (250km) daily commute was worth it because we get to experience all these new places with the kids.

 Who knows if we would have ever travelled to half of these places in our lifetime if we weren't over here. I know they probably won't remember much of it but they will at least have the pictures. And Milly will always have in her passport that she was born in Turkey. The kids in Manor Hill in Liberty thought it was cool that Jocy was born in Detroit. We have a short 17 months left, and I have so many places I want to travel still.

 This year we are already planning trips to Portugal, Morocco and Germany. Hopefully, we can squeeze in another vacation around the girls gymnastics camp so we can see more of Turkey. Plus, so many other places in Europe. I still want to see Rome and Tuscany in Italy, London and English Countryside, Switzerland, Austria, other parts of France, and the list goes on. Right now, we can fly to London, Paris, Amsterdam, Kiev and a few other cities for just 99 Euros! For a family of 6, that is killer! But now that Jocy is starting to compete, I think her first one is during Spring Break. So that knocks us down a trip. And next year, we have spring break which is already planned for Euro Disney.

Ugh. I don't want to go home!! Still so much to see. At least, Joel has promised return trips to Istanbul. And we now have friends from all over the world we can visit.


Just to show Joel and I were there! LOL @ Park Güell


Jocy in front of Sagrada Família


The front door of Sagrada Familia



This was the kids portion of the tour.  They had all the kids try to find as many animals on the facade as they could.  It was amazing how many there were.  Horse, Donkey, Sea Turkey, Geese, even dragonflies.  The list goes on and on.

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Not a bad view from the playground

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The Christmas Tree in Barceloneta (the neighborhood we stayed in)

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Jocy in front of the Cathedral on Christmas Eve.  


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