The Blue House of Crazy

Adventures of an American Expat Family

May 2, 2013

It never ends

There is rarely a calm time in our house.  But I guess you expect that with 4 kids, 2 dogs and a cat.  Then add living in a foreign country, good times!

  Last week the kids and Joel had off Tuesday for Children's Day.  We tried for a nice calm day at home because the rest of the city would be out and about.  The weather has finally turned GORGEOUS!  Highs in the 70s and the sun shining.  We spent a bit of time outside but Joel ended up spending most of the day on the phone for work.  The US, England, and Germany teams don't respect the Holidays here.  But don't you dare ask them to work on their holidays.  Last minute, the Education Ministry decided to add Wednesday as another holiday for the kids.  Great, if you would have told me sooner, we  would have gone on a long holiday weekend!  Thanks!  But we ended up spending our Wednesday going to Kocaeli and getting Milly's paperwork done for her Residence Permit.  Happy to get it done but taking all the kids for the 3 hour round trip drive was a blast.  We made the appointment before they announced the additional holiday.  I was absolutely exhausted after that day.  Did I mention, Milly is still getting up every few hours at night.  Some nights has been every hour and half.  So I'm one tired Mama!  I seem to have lost ALL brain function.  Really hoping its just a growth spurt or teething.

So last week was great fun.  Saturday, we slept in a little and had plans to go the Pazar before gymnastics.  Friday I had gone to the Spice Market and did some shopping around Eminonu for our trip home.  My stomach has been bothering me on and off.  Jocy tells us as we are walking out the door that her stomach hurts and she doesn't want to go.  The fact that she didn't want to go should have been a sign.  She loves to go.  We convinced her to go but she was miserable the whole time. So we made it quick and when we got home sent her straight to bed.  About an hour later, she comes into our room full blown asthma attack and can barely breath.  She tends to work herself into a panic attack too when this happens.  She had her meds that morning and we gave her both inhalers again.  But it wasn't doing much good.  So off to the ER we went.  I was kind of pissed Joel made us all go.  I have been three times with out him. Two in the last two months.  And I knew we were going to be the awhile.  So three breathing treatments, a shot, and three hours later, she finally starts breathing better.  And she puked all over the ER, me and her dad.  Awesome day!

Sunday we had a small family thing for Nate's birthday.  But that is a post all on its on.  Jocy spent Monday home.  We don't get a lot of one on one time, so we had a good time!  She keeps pestering me to watch Poltergeist.  I told her it was the first scary movie I saw in first grade.  I remember how I couldn't sleep for a week without my light on.  So I keep putting her off.  One of these days she is going to get me tho.  Nate had a school party since it was his actual birthday.  Tanya made the most adorable cupcakes for school.  I didn't tell him about it and he was really surprised!  Hope it makes up for not doing a big friend party this year.  I'm just not up to it yet.

Tuesday was Nate's Sports Day (another post) and Wednesday was Labor Day.  Another day with everyone home.  Joel ended up on the phone a lot and the girls had gymnastics at 10am all the way out in Arikoy.  So kind of ruined the morning.  Plus we need to do some grocery shopping.  It was a long day of doing really nothing.  I was so looking forward to crawling in bed early!!  I got all 4 kids bathed and ready for bed before dinner.  Milly went down about 7:20pm.  The others in bed at 8pm.  I crawled in bed a little after 9:30pm.  15 minutes later the joy of the night started.  Poor Elly puked the night away.  Jocy was awake because of Elly and Nate was up a few times.  Not sure if it was his "nightmares" or he wanted to check out what was going on.  Because Elly was NOT quiet about it.  I'm surprised I held myself and didn't puke it was so bad.  So guess who did sleep last night?? The one kiddo that never does!!  Milly slept 11 hours!!!  Not a single peep.  And I didn't get much sleep at all.  Thankfully, Joel took the second shift of Elly's puking.  She is now at 3 hours without getting sick and sleeping peacefully.  I had plans for a nice long walk this morning, a stop at the pet shop and the flower shopping.  But I guess it can wait another day.  Hopefully, tomorrow I can head back to bootcamp!!

I'm praying for a calm and relaxing weekend!!!  With some sleep!!  Truthfully, I love our crazy life.  But I think for maybe just a week, I'd like a nice dull week!


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