The Blue House of Crazy

Adventures of an American Expat Family

August 2, 2012

Happy 1 year Anniversary!

I can NOT believe that a year ago today, we arrived in Istanbul. Really? Its been a year? I guess time flies when you're having fun!

 It has been a busy and crazy year. Living in a hotel for almost three months, being without our stuff for that long, is more stressful than you'd think. Then, we had to do a marathon house hunt with the kiddos in tow the first week. House hunting with just Joel and I had been stressful enough. At least this time, we already knew where we wanted to live. The kids started school while we were at the Hilton. Their first day it took them 3 1/2 hours to get home on the bus.

 Setting up the house was another thing all together. We still haven't quite finished that. In the US, rentals usually come with appliances, blinds, closets, and light fixtures! We had to get all of that! Plus buying all new electrical items. Forget about finding an alarm clock here! LOL. But now a year later, it feels like home. We still have a few windows that need curtains, and a little painting to do, but nothing urgent. We have cars (and already getting new ones), internet, cable, even employees! What change a year can bring!

 The best thing is that we have our support system. That was my biggest worry. I had the same worries when we moved to KC. At least then we had the Marowelli's. But we quickly found a big group of friends that I now consider family. But moving to another country is a whole other story. Yes, there is a large group of expats in Istanbul. But its such a large city, that we are spread out all over. And at 3 different International School. But Joel has formed some good friendships at work and I have found a great group of moms at school and thru gymnastics. Next school year, I will volunteering at school and hoping to extend that group. The downside to being an Expat, is that people are always coming and going. Jocy has already lost one good friend at the beginning of summer and just found out that another will soon be returning to the States soon. But from the number coming into the school next year, I'm sure she'll make more. And of course, it wouldn't have been so easy without our driver, Murat and his family. I am truly grateful every single day for them. And now we have Bea working for us part time, it makes this pregnancy so much easier.

 I hope the next two years continue to be exciting and as smooth as the last!!!


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