The Blue House of Crazy

Adventures of an American Expat Family

July 9, 2012

Happy Third Trimester!

Today I start my third trimester!! It's bittersweet. The end of my last pregnancy and the beginning of being miserable. I'm really hoping that since the weather isn't too hot and I've kept my weight gain just right, I can make it about 6 weeks before it gets too bad. Thankfully, I have Bea three days a week to give me a break and then my mom will be here in September. Joel even told me that he's going to get me a driver for September and October. So this should be the easiest one yet.

 Next Monday, I go in for my Glucose test. I never thought it was too bad before. My last OB had some decent tasting stuff and since I lived 5 minutes from the hospital, I could spend most of that hour at home. Well, here… I don't know what to expect. I do know I have to spend the whole hour at the hospital. Joel's going to take the morning off to take me. Yea! I've always had low blood sugar, so I know how nuts I get when my sugar is out of whack. And I'm going to have Bea come in early to watch the kids. So hopefully, it will be as uneventful as the last three.

 As for my weight gain, I'm so excited how well I'm doing!! Technically, I have gain 0 lbs. since we started trying. The two months before we found out we were pregnant, I cut down on the bread and worked on my portion control. But as soon as I felt pregnant, the diet stopped. Then add in the morning sickness and stomach flu during the first trimester, I was down about 15lbs. My OB wasn't too concerned, so I didn't worry. So now at 27 weeks, I have gained 15 lbs. I think I gained that in my first trimester with the other three!! Now I just have to keep it up! But, with all the fruits and veggies Bea has been getting for us, I should be good. She lives outside of the city, so her local pazar is much cheaper than what we pay. I couldn't believe what she showed up with Thursday for only 20TL!

 Now its time to get my butt in gear and get this nursery moving! At least I have colors picked out. I'm waiting on swatches to show up so I can pick paint colors. And then its another trip to IKEA for lighting, shelves, and some kind of clothes storage. I'm not going to be too stressed about getting it done. It will stay the guest room until probably November. But if I can get everything done except the crib, I'll be good.


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