The Blue House of Crazy

Adventures of an American Expat Family

June 12, 2012

And we have a waddle

I'm 23 weeks and 1 day today. And I'm finally looking pregnant. Not that its a bad thing but when you have morning sickness like I do, then you feel like such a bum and no one can tell there is a reason. We don't tell anyone until the 2nd trimester and this time we waited til 16 weeks to tell the world. By then, my house was a wreck and I was a wreck. Thankfully, I had someone in a few times to clean! I will say it was like overnight that I popped. One morning I woke up and tried to roll out of bed but something (or someone) was in the way. LOL. I'm actually surprised that it took this long. I am all leg, with such a tiny torso. Maybe it will be #4 that I'm the cute pregnant lady…. and maybe not. Over the weekend, after a LONG day at the girls school Fun Day, I got off the couch on the patio and was walking into the kitchen for some more water and it hit me, "OMG I'm waddling!" I shouldn't be waddling yet! I just figured it was because I was so exhausted and have bronchitis. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday was mostly spent on my feet. So that must be it. But it happened again on Sunday! So I'm officially in the waddle mode. Must be my body's way of telling the world… the girls gymnastic coach just noticed! LOL. She is a crazy Romanian tho.

 So here's a peak at my baby bump at 23 weeks. IMG 0285

Here is a little pic of Baby B from my Perintolgy appointment last Friday. The Dr. said he thought she looked just like Nate. And the small World thing kicks in again as my Dr. went to Med school and practiced in St. Louis. And he had applied for a job in KC after med school! Craziness! And I was all worried about his English. LOL. One thing I LOVE about ultrasounds here is they have a 40' flat screen on the wall in front of you so you don't have to crane your neck to look. Nate loves "watching" TV. We were also given a DVD. But haven't watched it yet. But everything seems good and I don't go back until July for my Glucose Test. IMG 0286


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