29 weeks and counting....
I am down to 11 weeks til my due date. But since Nate was two weeks early, I keep saying 9 weeks. Wow, single digits already! I'm getting really excited to meet our little girl.
Things are finally getting done and decisions being made. Joel made fun of me but last night, we made a final decision on the lay out of the nursery. Normal this wouldn't be a big thing. But two of the walls in the nursery have big door walls. One is completely useless and has a step. I've been toying with the idea of just ripping the step out. If I knew there was wood floor under the step, it would be gone already. When they designed our building, we were supposed to have a balcony off the entry/kitchen and a large patio on the bedroom level. Well they changed their minds and enclosed the balcony and made the patio a "winter" living room. Worked out well for us because it gave me an office area and the kids a playroom. But they didn't remove the doors! So the girls room and the nursery have a door to the playroom and that dumb step. Downside to being the first building because no one else has them! And we have a door from the kitchen that is useless too. It takes up prime cabinet space! I'm still thinking of adding an IKEA pantry in front of the door. On the other side in my office area is my stroller storage, so its already blocked.
Anyways, the point is that there is a small wall of usable space and one long wall. And I needed to decide if we needed a wardrobe or not and how all that was going to fit! Talk about stressing myself out! Well I just figured out that the crib almost fits completely over that step! And I know people say not to put a crib in front of a window. But its a window to inside the house. So we finally decided screw it, the crib goes there and we are not getting a wardrobe. Yeah. And we agreed on paint. Not the exact color but how it was all going to be. This weeks goal is just to get the room clean and organized for Aunt Rachelle's visit! Then we will start painting!
The bedding has been order, my Ikea list is made, and I'm working on my carpenter's to do list. So I'm finally starting to feel like I'm getting something done. Buying the stroller was a huge thing. Joel and I have been arguing about it for a month. Which was dumb…. because he ended up liking the one we were fighting about! I picked up some little baby supplies and was SUPER excited to find glass Dr. Brown's bottles. I grabbed two because I know if I hadn't, they wouldn't have been there next time. One of the joys of Istanbul. If you see it, you better buy it because 90% chance you won't see it again. EVER.
Baby B
Week: 29
Baby B: is the size of an acorn squash. She already measures about 15.2 to 16.7 inches long. Right now, she weighs about 2.5 to 3.8 pounds but she's still got a ways to go -- can you believe she'll triple in weight before birth?
Symptoms: More tired, less sleep. Still lots of Pelvic pain but much better than with Nate! The mood swings are back and I've finally got the pregnant "glow". My poor kiddos will need to start wearing winter clothes in the house soon!
Cravings: Still Ramen Noodles. The burrito craving has started full on! The thing that got me in trouble with Jocy!
Aversions: Heat and the smell of the Turkish people. Really, have you NOT heard of Deodorant?
Bump: Surprisingly, she is even MORE active! I'm shocked I don't have bruises on my stomach. She knows her daddy and likes to give him a good kick. Nate loves snuggling with the bump and talks to his baby sister all the time. It's funny to see his reaction when she wiggles or kicks for him. Finally had hiccups for the first time. I remember the other three having them a ton!
Missing the most: Still could use a glass of wine! And my lap. Elly and Nate aren't very happy their space has been taken away.
Baby Bump at 29 weeks.
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