Baby update
I had a OB appointment yesterday. 28 weeks already. Joel took the day off to go with me because it was the day of the dreaded Glucose Test. I have low blood sugar to begin with. So I always ended up pretty ill afterwards. But back in MO with Elly and Nate, I was 10 minutes from my OB. They let you drink the yucky stuff at home and then come in 10 minutes before the hour was up. I could usually make it home and get food in me before I started feeling too bad. Well when Dr. Genim said I had to spend the hour at the hospital, I was concerned that I wouldn't make it home before hand. And driving in Istanbul is a challenge in normal health. Plus I could just imagine me trying to communicate too!
Sunday night I was already a bit out of it. I freaked out and told Joel I had to go to bed NOW because it was later than I had planned. But once I was in bed, I realize it was only 10pm and not 11pm… damn 24 hour clocks. My anxiety has been really high this pregnancy. Not sure why but I have been worrying and stressed about everything. I've had two healthy pregnancies but for some reason, I keep fearing that I'm going to have the same issues as I did with Jocy. Or worse! I'm older now, maybe I'll have some of the issues older woman have (yet I'm under 35). Damn you WTEWE book for letting read all the bad things that can happen. I didn't sleep much that night. I woke up at 5am with a slight panic attack. I was exhausted by the time the alarm went off at 7am.
We had Bea come in early that day so we didn't have to take the kids and to take care of them if I felt sick afterwards. She lucked out and they slept til 9:30 that morning. Our driver had picked her up from the Metro, so as soon as they got there, we headed for the hospital. It's pretty close, so we were actually early for once. We had our monthly visit with Dr. Genim first. We chatted a bit and I got to ask some fun questions to get some help. It's not like you can walk into the Carrefour and buy the normal pregnancy related items that I'm used too. You have to go to the pharmacy for that. And its just easier to get a script from the doctor first. Next was the usual Ultrasound. She's now so big that its hard to really see her and she wouldn't sit still. The OB got a few measurements. She is just under 3 lbs and will have long legs like her mommy. Yea! I also shared my concerns again about my incompetent cervix with Jocy. I know I haven't had it the last two pregnancies but my irrational fears have been driving me nuts. Plus she is sitting so low and loves to practice her kicks on my cervix. I'm very happy to report that everything is perfect!!! She said at this point, there was no need to worry anymore. It was caught at 18 weeks with Jocy and monitor for 4 weeks before a cerclege went in a 22 weeks. It came out at 37 weeks and she was induced two days after her due date. LOL. My crazy body.
Anyways, after that, we headed to the Lab. Most of the time we take our driver with us as a translator but this time we didn't. We probably could've used him but there are enough English speakers in Arcibadem that its not an issue. Because I had to get the whole speech on the Glucose Test. I did finally inform her that this was my 4th kiddo and had been threw this a few times. This time though, it was different. They take your blood first, then you get the drink. And to my great surprise, the drink wasn't bad at all. Really just tasted like Sprite. And it was chilled! Did I mention that I HATE needles. I try to keep my blood inside me as much as possible. But my nurse was great! She was going to put an IV in me for taking my blood, but for some reason decided not too. Not sure why, but I'm happy to report that she rocks at the whole needle thing. Barely felt a pinch!
So now, Joel and I had an hour to waste. We walked around the hospital a bit, but it was a little too hot outside. Then we sat in the waiting room for awhile reading. But I started to get a little out of it and couldn't focus. So we wandered some more. Finally it had been 55 minutes! We went back and I got another nurse. Boo. I liked the other one. But she wasn't too bad and she got her vials of blood and we were on our way. I had totally stressed over nothing! I am glad Joel was there for me. And I was a little too loopy to be driving.
As my treat for a job well done, Joel took me to the baby store and I got a new stroller. OK not totally true but it sounds nice. Another part of my anxiety is that we haven't bought a thing for the baby. We brought the furniture, car seat, and strollers. But while here, I killed my Peg P3. LOVE that stroller. Its also the one my car seat clicks into. My other two are for 6 months and up. So I needed one. I really wanted to get a cool Euro stroller that wasn't sold in the US. Yeah, Turkey isn't really into the cool strollers. I missed my opportunity to buy in Italy and Joel hasn't made a trip to Germany in a while. So now we had to buy what was here.
I really wanted a pram. I knew that the time the baby spent in this stroller would be much longer and a carseat in a stroller would not do. I needed a bassinet. Plus its my last kiddo, so go big or stay at home! We have very few LARGE baby stores here. I've looked at the stores at our mall and had been planning a trip to the Forum which has a whole floor of the mall dedicated to kids. But after the hospital, I decided we should head to e-bebek near us that looked like a pretty good store. I think the one at the Forum is better, but this was the BIGGEST selection a strollers I have found. Plus the sales guy spoke a bit of English. We looked around and I actually got Joel to talk about strollers. Last time ended badly and ruined a day. But not having the kids made it much less stressful and we could hold a civilized conversation.
I showed him what I liked and what others had suggested. There were a few I'd never seen before. So we test drove a bunch. I was sad to see they had one little Peg Perego. It was cheaper! And sure was cheap. I'm not a fan of the Aria. It was sad since I saw such beautiful strollers in Italy. We finally had it narrowed down to the Bugaboo Chameleon and a Concord Neo. The Concord was MUCH less and cute. But the bassinet was extra and brought the price a bit closer.

I've never been one to get into the hype of things, but I will say it pushes like a dream. And is very easy to change the configurations. I was really impressed how flat it folds down. That was one of the important things we were looking for in a stroller. We have been pretty spoiled that our Peg collapses so small. And since we have a small car now, we need something that will fit. But that may change since Joel thinks I now need a Transit.
I am now a proud own of a very nice stroller thanks to my amazing hubby!! I think he might be spoiling me just a little too much. But I'll enjoy it while I can!
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