The Blue House of Crazy

Adventures of an American Expat Family

November 4, 2015

It's all Chinese to me

Last night, the kids and I had our first Chinese lesson.  Well, I guess it was really just me.  The three oldest kiddos have been having classes at school for the pass two month.  So I am a tad behind.

Yesterday, was another bad pollution day.  I think it ended up hitting 300/500.  For the most part, just the smell bothers me, but yesterday was the worst effect on me.  The night before, when I took the dogs out, was the first time my eyes BURNED.  The smell leaked into the house a bit and it really bothered my nose and throat.  I'm also very sensitive to smell.  But I escaped to my bedroom, which so far has stayed stinky free!  Today was supposed to be cold and rainy, so I knew I had to get my shopping done yesterday.  I woke up feeling a little rough.  But I blamed staying up too late reading.  But as the pollution number went up, so did the headache.  Shopping with a three year old, battling Metro, the constant shelf stocking, and all the attention we attract, makes for a crazy shopping trip anyways.  Forget about it with a headache.  By the end of my trip, I just wanted to be back in bed.  And I have no idea how many things I failed to get.  It was just a big fat fail of a shopping trip.  Which means, I'm going to have to go again. Sigh.  Today is just too cold.  I could go but I just don't want to.  Plus, I still have a bit of lingering headache.  UGH.

Now that I am so OFF topic, after my awesome day, I had to take a nap.  I couldn't function anymore.  I convinced Milly to go down about 1:30.  At 4:30 my phone rang.  Crap.  Are the kids home, what is going on?  Thankfully, the Ayi was here.  I answered the phone and just couldn't get my brain to function at all.  It was our Chinese teacher trying to find our house.  Ugh... I can only give directions from landmarks.  I have no idea the name of the streets.  And our compound is split into two sections.  The apartment side and the townhouse side.  And each one has two gates.   I think I just confused her more, but she did finally make it here.

I was really not in the mood for this.  Jocy was giving my attitude that she didn't need more classes, she got enough at school.  Plus she had homework.  I told her just take this one class and then we would decide.  It's paid for.  So after a lot of craziness, we started.  And you know what, Jocy, Elly and Nate just started rattling off in Chinese.  WHAT?  I am so far behind them.  And my brain could not communicate with my mouth.  It was a rough start, but by the end, it was a good class.  Even Milly participated.  But I figure she will be fluent by the end of the school year.  I really like our teacher.  I have a feeling in the end, it will just need to be me in the classes.  Hopefully, I will learn something!



Blogger KYGrandma said...

You could be developing allergies to all the pollutants. You may want to ask your dr.

November 5, 2015 at 10:35 AM  

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