The Blue House of Crazy

Adventures of an American Expat Family

April 16, 2012

End of Spring Break

Yesterday was the last day of a two week Spring Break for the girls.  I thought it was a little too long but I'm glad we got that extra week home.  A week to recover from our wonderful trip!  Joel was in Germany all last week, this past weekend, and will be home on Friday.  This is the longest we have gone is a long time.  I used to be the veteran New Models wife.  Heck Joel was gone most of my pregnancy with Jocy, including many weekends.  In the last 5 years, those trips have been few and far, and I liked it.  Joel has traveled more in the last 8 months than those 5 years.  For the most part, its no biggie.  Just by 7pm, I ready for bed!

Sunday, I had declared it was going to be a nice relaxing day.  We talked of a movie marathon and popcorn.  Ordering out for dinner and not doing any chores.  LOL, yeah right.  The morning had been a bit rainy and overcast, but I got motivated to work on the living room.  I had just mopped and vacuumed the living area and scrubbed every nook and corner, but you couldn't even tell.  The dining room didn't get finished because I ran out of steam.  So I thought lets just get it done!  I had been wanted to rearrange the living room furniture again.  I'm not loving it right now... but I'm liking the new way a bit better.

Then the sun came out and we all got distracted.  Out the door we all went.  While the kids were happily playing, I wanted to finish the last little bit, so I went inside.  Not too much later, Elly and Nate coming running in.  The next thing I know Elly is on the floor screaming and blood is running down her face.

Let me mention this little tidbit.  Elly always manages to get hurt when Joel is gone.  Back in August, Joel had a wedding in Seattle.  So what does Elly do, busts her head on the headboard.  Took out a nice little gash and has a scar that doesn't grow hair.  Thankfully, the Hilton has a doctor or nurse on staff.  Elly has spent more time at a hospital than any other of our kids.  And truthfully, I'm shocked that is it.  She had two trips with the hole in her heart (which has thankfully closed), then another stint when she went thru her drug abuse stage (got into Grandma's child proof drug case which she scaled furniture for) and then again yesterday.

I've dealt with a few head injuries with Jocy, but it will never get easier to see that much blood coming out of your baby.  She was holding her eye, so that scared the shit out of me.  I thought she just hit the corner of the wall.  When she finally calmed down and I cleaned up the blood, I could see she had a good two inch gap in her forehead.  I had Jocy start getting her and Nate ready and I called Murat.  His phone wasn't working, so I started freaking out.  I called his wife and she didn't answer.  I tried Murat again then thankfully Ilknur picked up the second time.  I just lost it.  Ilknur calmed me down and tracked down Murat.  He was out playing soccer, but was now on his way.  The 30 minutes it took him to get here calmed us all down and I got the bleeding to almost stop.  Elly was pretty upset.  She thought everyone was going to be mad at her.  Poor kid.

I know I could have attempted the ER by myself.  There is always some the speaks English and most doctors seem too.  But I knew Murat would take care of it.  And that he did.  Elly had a bed in seconds and was taken good care of.  The first doctor said at least two stitches but he wanted her to be seen by a plastic surgeon.  When he came down, he decided that some glue and tape would be better to prevent a scar.  They didn't want a scar on her pretty face.  It was quick and painless and we were out of there in no time.  We are so terrible blessed to have Murat and his family.  Its hard enough when you kid gets hurt or sick at home.  But being in another country where the medical system is nothing like I know, and still haven't come close to figuring it out,  it is a sanity saver that we have someone who happily does everything he can.

Elly is absolutely fine.  Back to her old self by the time we get home.  We spent the afternoon outside, I reading and the kids playing with the neigbhors.  I let Elly pick dinner and she happily picked McDonalds.  We watched a movie and snuggled on the couch for the rest of the evening.  And she happily got out of her shower.... just until Wednesday.  Of course, nothing in this house is uneventful!


Blogger KYGrandma said...

That's why I wish you all were closer. Grandma could have been the support. Kiss that little face for me.

April 19, 2012 at 3:40 PM  

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