The Blue House of Crazy

Adventures of an American Expat Family

July 5, 2012

26 weeks

I'm a 26 week 3 days. Only 4 more days left of my 2nd trimester. I can't believe I'm 2/3 done, but at the same time, I feel like I've been pregnant forever. Probably because its just getting hot here in Istanbul and our two upstairs A/C units aren't working. But then the panic attack starts that I haven't done ANYTHING to get ready for this baby girl!

 Yesterday, I did pull out the bins of baby stuff we did bring. I had been planning to wait until after Elly's party, so I didn't trash the house. But after I got everything out, what the heck was I thinking when I packed?? There is barely anything! Thankfully, mom will be bringing all the little girl stuff when she comes in September. I have started picking up things here and there. A couple cute outfits from Gap, some things for the nursery, but we have so many big things to buy! And I really just don't have the motivation to drag myself across Istanbul to do some shopping! And Joel is really no fun to shop with. So I guess its time to get moving!

 I am starting to tell that I'm at the end of the honeymoon trimester. I'm getting tired again and needing naps. My body really hurts if I do too much. With the heat has come some swelling. My rings are starting to not fall off my finger. And Braxton Hicks have started full on. Its not painful but its still pretty uncomfortable. And it gets really fun when the dogs or kids stress me out. Plus baby girl has been punching is some pretty painful spots the last week. Yesterday, she got me good in the fruits and veggie section at the store. I guess she really didn't want green beans? So I saw this on another blog and thought I'd steal it for today…

 Baby B 
 Week: 24

Baby B: Baby B is the size of a head of lettuce (would that be iceberg or Romaine?). She's still growing in the 13.6-14.8 inch and 1.5 to 2.5 pound range and developing her senses, features, and talents! Her eyes are forming and will soon open. And she's getting eyelashes (hopefully ones like her siblings) She's getting her immune system ready for life on the outside by soaking up my antibodies. And she's practicing her breathing!

 Symptoms: Wearing down faster, Heartburn (another full head of hair?), back pain, hip pain… you get the point.

 Cravings: Ramen Noodles. I found a fantastic brand here!

 Aversions: Heat

 Bump: Very active now. And getting in the way. I have a heck of a time getting out of bed or off the couch. Which both happens a LOT since I'm living in the bathroom. But small enough that I'm still wearing mostly non maternity clothes. Better stay that way or I'll be living in two outfit. Forget about finding too much Maternity clothes in Istanbul. I was SHOCKED when I found a bathing suit the other day. And yes, I bought it!

 Missing the most: Glass of wine and a Martini. I miss relaxing at the end of the day with a beverage. But its almost made up for by my nightly Magnum bar. :)

 So here's the last (and I mean forever) end of 2nd trimester bump pic….
IMG 0322


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