The Blue House of Crazy

Adventures of an American Expat Family

September 21, 2011

The trade offs

Joel and I have talked for years about going overseas.   When Jocy was 18 months, he tried for a job in Japan.  We ended up launching in KC.  Which turned into 5 years.  Then we talked about China, which surprisingly turned in Turkey (with a relo back to the D).  I knew this meant leaving some pretty amazing friends and missing quite a bit of stuff.

But in these first two months, I have missed more than I expected.  And oddly, I am still not homesick.  I missed seeing my hubby stand up as best man in a great friend's wedding.  It's kind of funny that Joel and I both had an old friend that we were hoping to find that right person.  And oddly enough, they both got married this summer to amazing people.  We both made my friends wedding which I am grateful for.  Because she is not only my friend but has become Joel's.

We also had our first death already.  It was expected when we left, but it doesn't make it any easier.  My mom and dad's best friend Ed past away last month.  He was diagnosed with ALS last year and it had already taken quite a toll before we left.  But I will alway remember Ed as a very healthy, intelligent, kind man who meant a lot to my parents.  His wife, Helen, was my wedding planner and threw me a beautiful bridal luncheon before our wedding.  So it was hard to not be there.

Not being able to pick up the phone and call my mom any time is pretty difficult.  Not being there for my friends when they are going thru a horrible time.  Heck, not even knowing until a week later just plain sucks!  Even keeping up on Facebook is complicated with the crazy time difference.  I spent my mornings trying to read thru their days but rarely ever make it.  I am sure I have missed birthdays (which I did to one of my BFFs)  and announcements.  I am in great need of a MNO.   I miss being able to vent and hear they are dealing with the same stuff so I'm not crazy.  I miss coaching cheerleading with Monica.  Even tho it was a ton of work and frustrating, it was still a ton of fun.  And I was guaranteed to see her no less than two days a week.  With all our busy schedules, it was hard to make ourselves stop and schedule those playdates and MNO or just grabbing coffee.  I am glad when we found out half the group was moving, that we really made that effort to see each other.   I think I might figure out how to mail stuff here and start writing letters... real ones!  Just something to be more personal.

The next three years will fly by and next thing I know, we will be back in MI.   I just need to figure out how to balance everything here and keep in touch with home.


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