The Blue House of Crazy

Adventures of an American Expat Family

June 8, 2011

Death by Cars Potty

Now that Nate is 2, we have started talking about potty training.  A few other friends, who's kiddos are around the same age, have started.  So I guess we are jumping on the bandwagon.  Jocy got her first potty seat at 18 months.  She loved it at first but lost interest after a few months.  She finally was potty trained by 2 1/2.  Elly was about the same age.  I trained them myself in the middle of winter.  Let me tell you the joys of having to clean up accidents from carpet.  I was so excited when we had hardwood floors with Elly... but she still managed to find the little carpet in the house to pee on.  It's like the dogs.  They would only get sick or whatever on the carpet.  Ugh!  Even downstairs where it is 99% wood!  They would go after my rugs!

I was walking thru Target one day, my favorite past time, and spotted a Car potty chair.  There was a handle that was the "flusher" that looked like a gear shift.  COOL!  And when you push it made the sound of an engine revving.  For anyone that knows me, I am just slight car obsessive.  A good V8.... mmmmm..   The price was right, Nate's birthday was the end of the month... SOLD.  So I got my son a potty for his bday.  I was pretty excited about it.  The first potty seat we bought was pretty boring.  But back then, everything was.  We didn't get the cheapest.... but Joel sure put up a fight about it, so we settled for the second cheapest.  It worked... was rarely used as a potty chair.  They liked putting the seat on the big potty and using the rest for a step.  But hey, they both were potty trained pretty quickly.

The day of Nate's birthday I was pretty excited.  The cool potty chair, Disney undies, his first Detroit Tigers tee and the expensive Woody to go with his Buzz he got for Christmas.  He loved all his gifts.  Especially the undies!   Joel unpacked the potty and put it together.  Nate loved the noises it made.  Joel got him to take the diaper off and sit on the potty.  Success.... he likes it.  We couldn't keep him out of the bathroom.

Fast forward to a week later.  I had told Joel ever since Nate was born, he was potty training this one.  I did the last two!  Plus I don't know how that thing works.  I think it is a good arrangement.... I take the girls and he gets the boy.  He gets one less!!!  Nate walked in the bathroom behind Joel, so what better time to start working on it.  Worked on the pants down thing, took the dipe off.  Told Nate to sit on the potty..... and ALL.HELL.BROKE.LOOSE!!!  Screaming, crying, foot stomping, then he ran out of the room.  What?  He just loved that thing last week.  Joel went and got him and put him on the potty.  Again, the screaming started and he ran from the bathroom faster than I've ever seen him run.  It was like Lightening McQueen was coming after him.  Sigh.

So we are at over a month since his 2nd birthday and the potty is still a scary monster.  Potty training = FAIL.  For now.  We will try again in 5 months.  Maybe in our family it is that 30 month mark that works.  Nate still wants to run around in his undies.  Just having flashbacks of all the cleanups with the other two.  Oh well.... guess I will be moving those diapers to Turkey!   Hmm... one thing I didn't check while we were there.  Diapers in Istanbul anyone?


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