Milk gone bad
One thing that is taking some getting used to, is seeing milk on a grocery shelf. NOT the refrigerated section. Now there is some milk next to the cream and yogurt. More expensive, and from what I can tell taste no different. I really wasn't as prepared for how differently things taste here. Dairy has been the hardest. Everything taste like its gone bad. And they really like their stinky cheese here. As long as I can get over the smell and get it into whatever I am cooking, it taste great. But smells really effect me. So today, I ran out of Coffeemate. My fault because I didn't go down the coffee aisle to remember. We have a left over box of Krema from making butter in Elly's class. So I thought that might work but I need to check out if its still good. It's been two weeks since I bought it. ]
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