The Blue House of Crazy

Adventures of an American Expat Family

May 18, 2010

Field Trip and Field Day in one day with three kiddos.....

Yesterday was Jocy Field Trip to Deanna Rose Farmstead.  It's been awhile since we've been so I thought it would be a great idea to go along and take Elly and Nate.  It's such a great place and they have improved it greatly.  Unfortunately, we've had a lot of rain lately and Field Day was postponed til... yesterday.  I thought it would be a waste of time to drive home and then have to turn around and pick her up an hour later. So I decided to stay in hopes Nate would nap in the stroller...

The weatherman said to not cancel your outdoor plans on Monday because the rain would be moving out that morning.  Oh really???  It was raining pretty steady when we left for school.  But by the time we got off 435, it was just a light drizzle.  Wow... a weatherman who was right???   Well maybe for like 2 hours.  We were only at Deanna Rose for about 30 minutes before the rain started.  Luckily it was still a bit warm and chasing 18 kids plus my own kept the cold away.  It rained on and off the whole time. But the kids were having a blast.  It was only slightly muddy.  By the time we sat down for lunch, the temps started to drop and the wind picked up.  Nate was getting fussy from being cold and tired.  But manage to get all three feed and myself!  But by this time, Elly was little Miss Popular. Everyone wanted to help her.  After some popsicles from Mr. and Mrs. Dodd (teacher), the rain started again and we headed back to school.

Elly milking the fake cow and riding a tractor

Jocy's class

Nate walking around.  Not sure why... but was having a blast with wipes on his head!

Ok... it's time to pick of Jocy from her second to last day of school I will post about Field Day this afternoon.


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