The Blue House of Crazy

Adventures of an American Expat Family

May 16, 2010

New home

So I've finally given in and decided to change our website over to a blog.  I just don't have the time and patience for the website.  And I don't think the photo albums were working.  So we'll see how this goes.  Within the next month I will have a new format and get it looking pretty.  But for now this will do. 

So many things have happened the last month.  Nate had his first birthday!  It was a great party and we were lucky to have most of the family here.  Even Uncle Kevin finally made it to Liberty!  It was such a joyous occasion but sad at the same time.  Where has the last year gone?  How can my baby be taking his first steps and smashing his first birthday cake.  I will say.... it was very nice to throw a non-girly party.  The John Deere theme was a big hit.   

We had thought that he was going to beat his sisters at walking.  Both girls started walking on their 1st bday.  But Nate just wanted to tease us the week before and two weeks following.  Then two days ago, it was like a light went on and he figured out walking was so much faster than scooting.  He's pretty much been walking ever since.  He's loving being able to chase his sisters around.  It's going to be a fun summer!

Jocy is about to finish Kindergarten!  I can't believe it!  Monday is her last full day of school and then two half days. Then it's summer!  I think we have decided to not send her back to Whitefield next year.  It's an AMAZING school but very expensive and the drive has gotten to me.  Plus I maybe a little busier next year... more to come on that.  It will just be better to be able to put Jocy on the bus and then take Elly to preschool.  it's not official yet... still have til August to decide.  Plus the first grade teacher we like isn't returning next year... going to Egypt or something. :)

Well that's my quick up date and kick off to this blog thing.  There's a ton more that I can tell you but I don't have the time at the moment and there's always things going on in our crazy house! 


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